༺ 11. ༻

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Felix left from there....

After a second Hyunjin back off of that girl and also leave ....

Everyone was standing there with worried expressions...

That girl just murmured something than left...

"What's wrong with them? Can't they just admit that they already fall for each other and live peacefully? I don't know how am I be friends with them" Jisung said getting annoyed by their best friends.

"Did they?" Chan asked.

"Ofc, they did, anyone can see that in their eyes but these idiots can't" Jisung again said while Minho don't know what to say....

"I don't know about Hyunjin Hyung but I am seriously shocked by Lix Hyung behavior, his mind is just good in only one thing and nothing else" Jeongin stated.

"What thing?" Changbin asked

"That's personal" Jeongin replied

"Ohh okay, sorry" Changbin said

"Nah! No problem, Hyung, you guys will get to know soon tho" Jeongin said


But no one give their attention that much to this topic coz they are busy in just solving one and only PROBLEM....

Felix don't know why his eyes are tearing up, that's just happening and he don't wanna know the reason, just wasting his precious pearls...


Hyunjin don't know why he is angry, why he is feeling broken, why he is upset, why he is sad, why he wanna see that precious smile of his fake husband.

It's just like he want to see that guy's smile so his heart be at peace but .....

Felix asked 'why do you care?' .... Yeah, that's the question 'why do I even care?'....
I don't know it's just I want to take care of him bcoz of Minho, Jisung and humanity.... Nothing else....

But if that so then why it hurt when he give his attention to any other guy....

It's not like that, it's just ridiculous....

He is on the rooftop of Uni.... A cigarette in his hand and he is looking like a mess.... Ohh! THE HWANG HYUNJIN is looking like a mess bcoz of none other than FUCKING LEE FELIX.

He closed his eyes.... But .... As soon as he closed his eyes.....

He saw.....

Damn! Felix.....

'Felix' he lightly whispered....

'why are you in my mind always..... Go away Felix.....
Don't make me feel anything towards you.....
I don't deserve anyone.....
If I ever feel something, I know it gonna hurt you in the end....
Including me......
I am not a good person......
Don't make me feel anything for you.....
But you did.....
I feel anger bcoz of you....
I feel sadness bcoz of you....
I feel broken bcoz of you.....
I am upset bcoz of you.....
I feel hurt bcoz of you......
I felt happiness bcoz of you.....
I felt butterflies bcoz of you......
I smiled bcoz of you.....
You are the first person to I ever said sorry...
You are the first person to I ever said thank you...
You are the first ever person I get insulted from and didn't insult or hurt you back....
You are the first person who made me break my rules...
You are first ever person who made me break promises which I did to myself....

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