༺ 74. ༻

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Felix get up around nine in the morning and found no trace of Hyunjin instead there was a paper on the side table.. he pick that up and read 'Sorry, princess. I just got a call and has to go for work.. they must've find something. Your Breakfast is in oven, eat well. Love, I'll come home late, don't wait for me if it's cross midnight, take care of yourself for me. Again sorry. Byeeee' with a heart and the end.

He smiled and get up feeling very light pain on his lower area and then realization hit him... 'they must've find something' what does it mean?!? What did they find?

He went to sink and wash his face and did his daily morning routine after that he went to kitchen and found his breakfast exactly where Hyunjin told him. "Sweet" he mumbled smiling and thought 'why is he so sweet? He knows that I must've feel pain so he made breakfast for me even when he had to leave.. ah.. Hyune, why are you so perfect?'

He doesn't even have anything to do.. before he had Mr. Hwang to take care of.. but since he is now fine.. Mr. Lee talks to Mr. Hwang and they made their business deal again.. without including their children now.. and now Mr. Hwang and Mr. Lee both are out of country for it.

After that he voice text Hyunjin and thanked him then saw a lot of texts from his team..

Ryujin's three missed calls, Seungmin voice notes and two missed calls, Jeongin's texts, Beomgyu and Wooyoung's voice notes... Woahhh! Did something happened?!

And then..



Some texts from..











He immediately opened his chat and..

Hyung! I saw Mingi Hyung... near your private basement. Me and Jeonghan Hyung saw him with other Mafia gang's leader there.. they were in there casual outfits and we all know when we wore casual outfits.. it was obvious for us to recognize they are on something and investigating around.. I am afraid.. I don't know but it looks like they are chasing you.. but I can tell that they don't know it's you.. coz they were looking confuse and Jeongchan Hyung also told me not to scare about anything.

Still, Hyung. Take care.. and update me as soon as possible.


Where are you? At least reply, Hyung.

I am fine, Ni-Ki.

I just caught up in something yesterday.. and what happen after that? Did they went in or what?

And suddenly, he got reply..

Thank God, you are fine. I thought they found out about you and I was about to come at your house but then I realized Hyunjin Hyung will see me.. that's why I didn't come.

Nah! Everything's okay.. yet. And yeah don't come here.. Hyunjin is out of house till night but still he can come back and see you.

He said 'they found something' and I don't know what it is.. but I am pretty sure that it isn't about us coz if it was he probably wouldn't cook for me before going.

That's cute! Hyung. You both are so in love.

But I am scared. What if he'll find out himself.. I mean, I want to tell him by myself but I ain't ready. He will feel betrayed if he find it out by himself.

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