༺ 23. ༻

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After showering when Felix came out of bathroom he saw Hyunjin lying on bed, hugging his, Felix's, towel. Felix smiled at him and start doing his daily routine which starts with drying his hairs, getting ready and many more things he do. Hyunjin saw him drying his hairs, he went up and sit on the chair near Felix. Felix like that how Hyunjin is noticing every single step of him and smiling at the younger one.

Felix note that Hyunjin still have Felix's towel and smelling it again and again. He internally smiled. He like that how Hyunjin is not throwing his things or things related to him away instead he was hugging his towel the whole time while smelling it.

"Wow! Lix, The smell is so nice. Which shampoo do you use?" Hyunjin asked leaving Felix in shock. Felix recalling himself 'Lix' in his mind, he heard this word a million times in his life but how sweet it look from that certain person. Felix had never thought that that arrogant man will ask him about it or praise how his hair smells but little did he know how much he had effect on the older one.

Felix simply answered but internally he was panicking... It looks like this is not The Hwang Hyunjin whom he left but someone else someone who mean Felix a lot.

Hyunjin saw how Felix covered his freckles with makeup. He basically not do any kind of makeup except hiding his freckles. You can say that he just do makeup to hide his freckles and nothing more.

Hyunjin don't like how he covered those shining starts on his face. That's his beauty but he covered it, how sad!

"Why are you covering your shin- freckles?" Hyunjin stop himself to praise Felix's beauty, he wanna do it but don't wanna give heart attacks to him by giving so much surprises at one day but it's just the morning, the whole day is left now.

"When did you notice that?" Felix asked but this time looking at Hyunjin. He don't like when someone talk about his freckles even when Minho, his sisters and parents praises him that he looks pretty with his freckles but he don't like these.

"Today when you were asleep" Hyunjin casually said forgetting what he did in the morning.

Felix bite his tongue when he realized that he was right when he thought Hyunjin did all things purposely and was awake the whole time. He wants to stop thinking about that intimate moment but his thoughts is not helping him a bit.

"Ohh yeah, morning, ac-actually they are my insecurities. I don't like them so I always covered it Incase someone notice that or say anything about them" Felix said making Hyunjin mouth and eyes wide. Hyunjin was first confuse why Felix panicked when he say the word 'morning' then it clicked that shit he indirectly revealed himself.

Hyunjin didn't say much after that coz he was somehow ashamed of what he did and Felix will surely think of him like a pervert Hyunjin is. He just hummed in an answer while he wants to tell him that how beautiful his freckles looks and how they made his beauty ethereal but he can't help and just hummed at which Felix thought that 'he was right when he said that they are his insecurities and look bad on his face'.

They didn't share a word after that. Hyunjin just busy in admiring Felix and Felix was busy in blushing the whole time Hyunjin was looking at him.

The morning flew away in no time and Felix was sitting on the bed when the door open revealing Hyunjin.

"Get up, let's go" Hyunjin said making Felix confused.

"Where?" Felix asked.

"What? You wanna live here for the rest of your life?" Hyunjin asked.

"As if I can live here for the rest of my life" Felix said and Hyunjin understood what he meant.

"Get up, don't ruin the mood" Hyunjin said looking at him.

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