༺ 76. ༻

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Hyunjin came home and Felix was not in room.. he was disappointed.. he thought Felix will be waiting for him.. but he isn't home. Looks like Felix went where he usually went, to meet his gang mates, but this time openly meeting him.. going in front of Hyunjin.

After looking of him in whole ass mansion.. he sadly went to bedroom and laid down on bed, opening his phone and admire the wallpaper.. and smile ear to ear while looking at..

 and smile ear to ear while looking at

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Now... Could anyone believe that the man in picture is a Mafia Leader?

He trace his fingers on his screen as he is Felix but suddenly to his surprise the bathroom door opened and he startled as his phone fell from his hand to bed and then to floor.. he looks at his front and Lix was standing there with a towel wrapped around his torso.. Hyunjin can't take his eyes off his husband even though he is upset but the beauty in front of him is breathtaking.. Felix was a blushing mess when he realized Hyunjin came back and is staring at him like he wanna devour him. His eyes went to the phone on the floor and then he realized his picture on wallpaper that was common for them to set each other's picture but the thing is just yesterday it was a different one and now.. it's also his but another.. last one was a serious look and this one has his pretty smile.

He immediately apologized "S-sorry.. I didn't knew you c-came back" he actually doesn't know why he is stuttering and blushing this much.. but knowing that even when Hyunjin is upset.. he can't take his eyes off of him... means he still wants him .. and only him.

Felix immediately went to the clothes stand and pick up his clothes then "Why are you going back?" Hyunjin asked, startling Felix and he stopped in his track, looking at Hyunjin.. there was a smirk dancing on his lips.. "to wear them" he mumbled.

"Ain't you always wear clothes, after shower, in room?" He asked, having a straight face but Felix can tell there is a nasty smirk and he is teasing him.. even after knowing he can't help but feel shy so sudden. "It's okay.. I'll wear them inside" he said and was about to take a step further when Hyunjin teased "as if I had never see your goddess structure" at this point he was this much shy that he wants to dig himself ten feet under. Even though, they are husbands, they love each other, they both already saw each other naked at least everyday.. he still feels shy.. it all feels so new.. like he couldn't believe why he is feeling so shy.

He tried to ignore Hyunjin's words and take steps further towards bathroom when Hyunjin stops him from going by holding him from his waist, from back, and pulled him towards himself.. Felix could feel Hyunjin's breathe hitting his bare back skin.

He couldn't gather courage and words to speak. "Are you perhaps.. seducing me?" He asked having a mischievous smirk and came in front of him while tracing his palm from his bare stomach to his bare back and stand in front of him.. "what? NoOoo!!" Felix panicked and then he remembers something..

Is it really happening? Is Hyunjin showing his love to Felix? Did Hyunjin forgive him? If not then why is he acting like this?

Or is it all a dream?..

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