༺ 67. ༻

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Felix was in the kitchen making breakfast for himself and Hyunjin when he feel pain rushing over his hand and to his surprise there is a burning mark right beside the deep cut he got yesterday on his wrist. He didn't notice when he zoned out thinking of the things he found yesterday and burnt his hand while cooking.

He sighed not feeling the pain that much and still focus on cooking and thinking.

His thoughts disturbed when Hyunjin came behind him and back hugged him.

"Why didn't you wake me up today?" He asked leaving soft kisses on his nape.

"I did– oh, right.. I forget?" He answered questioningly and that's when he realized he forget. He was too busy with his thoughts that he forget to wake Hyunjin up. Hyunjin raised his brow at Felix's answer.

"I am sorry, Hyune. I don't know how I forg-" "it's okayy, Lix, don't need to apologize, baby" Felix was still facing the stove and Hyunjin is still back hugging him.

Once Felix was done making, Hyunjin turn him around and wrapped his hand around his tiny waist, pecking his forehead.
"You are acting strange these days. Everything's alright?"

"It is" he answered and internally panicked when he realized his hand is exposed... The wound.. All that it takes is to look a little further down and Hyunjin can see it.

"C'mon let's eat" he smiled and said trying not to panic and to his luck Hyunjin didn't notice and he unfold his sleeves to cover it.

They were eating in a comfortable silence when Felix decide to solve some issues but not now.. at least he let Hyunjin finish his food.

"Hyune, how did your mother died?" He asked and Hyunjin's soft expression turned into bitter ones.

"She died in front of you.. I mean, we all saw the news together.. yet I don't know how this happened so sudden-"

"No, no, not your stepmother. I meant to ask about your your own mother, your biological mother" and now he can sense Hyunjin's sadness and how badly he want to make everything right! Or how much he hates to see Hyunjin sad!

"Ohh- I really don't know well, all I remember is that Dad told me she suicide by jumping in water and they didn't find her body as her body float with the water somewhere and he never gave a solid reason that why my mum suicide.. and then after some years I found out that my mum didn't do suicide but that lady, my stepmother, killed her and also that Dad and her had affair before my mother's death" he sighed and looked down at the plate where his food is placed in a little quantity... He gulped the water down his throat before continuing..

"I never knew I was living with a murderer until the day I found out.. I know she hated me with all her heart, she never let me do what I want, she never cared about me but I never thought she was the reason that I lose my mother until I found out. Till that time dad also changed, he never really cared after my mum died and then I start thinking that both my stepmother and dad are murderer and I start hating Dad until I went to confront her for what she did and she kicked me out of the house because she was afraid that Dad will found out she killed my mum and that's when it hits me that Dad never knew she was a criminal that's why he was living with her" he took a deep breathe and look at Lix who had same amount of tears in his eyes as Hyunjin has. He wiped Lix's tears and smiled...

"Why are you crying? It was all in past, stop crying, bub" he get up and hugged him.

"I am sorry you had to go through all these" Lix managed to say between his sobs and that's when he promised to himself that he'll make everything right.

"Bub, you are too precious to cry. Don't waste you precious beads for nothing" Hyunjin caressed his hair and Felix wiped Hyunjin's tears.

"You wanna know more?" He asked and Felix shook his head.. it's enough for him to end up on the real conclusion.

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