༺ 38. ༻

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I know it's a bit late from what I said... I slept while writing, hehe... Then when I wake up I forget I have to upload a chapter but then I realized and here the chapter is🥺... So sorry again🥺🤧


"Dad!... Dad!... Where are you hiding?! come out!" Hyunjin was yelling right after getting inside his Dad's house.

"What are yo-" his step mom came first and start talking shit but Hyunjin shut her up by saying ...

"You better keep quite. I am not that same Hyunjin who will listen to your shits and get afraid of you" Hyunjin sternly said, pointing his index finger at her. She somehow get scared of Hyunjin's stern and cold act towards herself.

"Why are you yelling inside my house? And who gave you permission to enter in my house?" His dad said chilling and sipping on his coffee, coming from upstairs.

"You! Why did you went to their house? Huh? Why did you burn Mr. Lee's business? You made the agreement between you both that you'll will get strong after our marriage and we agreed on that I did what you wanted... Now, what are you doing to them? Why the fuck you wanted us to separate us while you are the one who forced me in this marriage?! Can't you see me happy? Why are you doing this Dad?! Why?!" Hyunjin grabbed his Dad's collar and yelled at him while Mr. Hwang just evily chuckled.

"You said you didn't want to marry but now you are saying you don't want divorce. Do my child fall in love?"

"I can't believe it's you, Dad. I can't believe that that's the same Hwang (whatever you wanna say his name) who loves his daughter and son a lot. Can never see pain in their eyes. But who knew that same Hwang ______ will change after the death of his wife, forget about his children and marry other woman and raise his another child with her while leaving their own blood to die" Hyunjin tsk at his Father's life choices.

Mr. Hwang didn't say anything coz deep inside his heart he loves his Children, yeji and Hyunjin, but that witch!

"You know why?! Coz after when you both will separate, I'll be the happiest one in the world" His step mom said.

"You-" "You know that Mr. Hwang and Mr. Lee signed on the agreement and made a contract of your marriage at which you both signed.... remember that contract is of 2 months and now after 2 weeks your 2 months will be over, so basically a DIVORCE" she said and laugh hysterically while Mr. Hwang just stayed silent after what Hyunjin said to him... Looks like it again leave a great impact on him....
His step mom saw his husband that he is not saying anything anymore so she started and saying shits to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin doesn't want to argue with his step mom, so he stayed silent and that witch think that she won. (In her dreams😒...... Author is alive here to make it right and throw her to jail😎)

"And when Mr. Lee told him not to continue the contract and let two kids live their life happily.... I went and burn his whole business and now he is on the road, hahaha! And I am telling you if you don't divorce him, I promise we'll burn their house too and there is no name of Lees, finally and also kill their 2 sons-" she didn't knew what she said.... She will be dead-

"Fuck off! I am telling you if you said any one more thing about them I'll burn this house down coz you don't know what can I do or what can I not!" Hyunjin yelled at her and look at his father then said....

"If you have any power to separate us then try me... I'll told you how to play games, Dad~ after all I have Hwangs blood in me *smirk*..... Let's see who'll win! I am challenging you old dip shit lady that you can't do anything... Not to me, not to my Lix and not to my family"
Hyunjin insulted his step mom and author laugh at the name which she gave to that poop-faced female🤷🏻‍♀️

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