༺ 34. ༻

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Hyunjin felt anger and jealousy rises inside him. He clenched his jaw and tightened his fist as his nails can dug into his palm but who is he to care. He wants to know who is the girl who came to hug him but once he realized that the girl also have freckles he got confused and slowly his anger start vanishing and jealousy stop rising, with a thought, that may be she is Felix's sister, he calm down. He waits for Felix to tell him what is happening.

The girl hug Felix and once Felix realized he hugged back his sister and suddenly tears start forming in his eyes and start falling but Hyunjin wiped them off before they can even reach his cheeks.

Felix backs off and wipe his sister's tears from his face and asked.

"What are you doing here, Olivia?"

"I came to nearby hospital with mom dad and unnie"


"Yeah, since you both left Mom's condition can never be Ike before. She is always sick and it's gonna be more than month she is not talking to any of us just random things and she always misses you both even dad, dad also misses you both... They are regretting doing that, they are regretting making those decisions. Me and Rachel Unnie are stressed because of their conditions... Dad is also not like before, he always remains upset and sad. It's like they both have enough suffering but God is not helping us and their health is getting worse than before" she stopped and Felix look at her with wide eyes... He knows his parents did wrong but he never wants them to suffer like that. His thoughts interrupted when Olivia start speaking again.

"I know Lix, they did wrong but please forgive them. I can't see them in this condition anymore.They have forgotten themselves. They don't live happily like before when you both were with us. Since you both left they are not like before, Lix. I wanted to come to you and tell you each and everything what is happening but Dad found out and stopped me and told me to not tell you guys about their health cause he knows that once you both get to know about that you will tryna reach them and ask for forgiveness and that you guys don't need to apologize cause it's not your fault but theirs and they deserve to suffer like that and that 'they ruin your lives', with that he stopped me to come to you both, before".

"But Oppa please, I want you both to come and forgive them... They suffered too much. I can't see them in any more pain, please, Lix oppa please" She said sobbing and Felix hugged her to calm her down.

"Where are they?" He asked wanting to be there for them and hug them tight and never leave them for forever, after all they are his parents.

"In hospital, I came here to buy medicines for them, Dad and Rachel unnie were insisting me to not come and buy that but I can't let Dad come out alone in this fragile condition and want Rachel Unnie to take care of them so I finally be able to come to medical shop and buy them but luckily I found you here and came to you"

Felix felt miserable... The thing he and Minho should be doing for their parents, their sisters is doing. He felt like nothing. He felt as he fail as a son. He fail as a brother. He doesn't know how but he failed. He thought, they both, Felix and Minho, failed as a good brother and a good son.

"Did you buy their medicines?"
"No, I was about to but I saw you and come to you. In short, I forget" she scratched her head.

Hyunjin was standing there looking at the siblings love and care for each other.
He can feel the pain.... He and his sister, Yeji, had to go through this, not the exact thing but the pain, they went through this kind of pain of getting no love from their father, pain of the death of their mother, pain of getting kicked out by his own father.
But looking at Felix and Olivia, he can say he is missing Yeji. A smile spread on his lips looking at hi Husband and his husband's sister.

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