༺ 6. ༻

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Ohh! A contract... About what? Marriage?

"What the fuck is that? Who gave this to him?" Felix asked to himself.

He start reading it.

The marriage is based on the contract, so basically it's a contract marriage and both Hyunjin and Felix can divorce when the actual purpose of this marriage be done.

The actual purpose is to expand their business by combining both LEE'S and HWANG'S Companies and can work against their enemies 'BANG AND SEO'S', and this marriage is done for Business purpose but both Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Felix should have to agree on it.

This marriage will break anytime after the business receive more progress and success, and hopefully it will just take 2 months (60 days) and after 60 days, the contract will successfully done and both Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Felix will break this contract by divorcing.

Signature: Signature:
Hwang Hyunjin Lee Felix

"The fuck? Who they think they are? How can they force us in this marriage? How can they decide what we want? Who they think they are to take decisions about our life?" Felix start asking questions to himself...

"When did I sign- , Dad! Dad made me sign on a paper yesterday, Was that this? No! Dad can't do that, He is so sweet, he can't do that. But how my signature on this? I have to talk to him" Felix said and dialed his dad number but unfortunately he can't be able to contact him, his dad phone seems switched off. Then he remember Minho is here, in Korea, it means that he is at his parents house and they must be fighting on this. Well he tried Minho's number but he didn't pick the call and this made Felix to give up.

"That fucker! Where he went? Where should I go now? Bastard, didn't even tell me" Felix 'praises' Hyunjin and frustratingly lie on the couch here.


The whole night passed and Hyunjin didn't care about Felix, Where Felix slept? Did he eat anything or not?, Nothing.... He didn't care about younger not a single bit.

It's already morning and Hyunjin came in the living room and there he saw Felix wrapped himself in a ball shape on couch and sleeping, he is looking cute, too much fluffy but do he even care?

'It must be uncomfortable' Hyunjin thought and somewhere in his mind the thought 'of carry Felix to the room or at least told him to go to room for better sleep' came but why would he even care? He let him sleep there uncomfortably and went back thinking 'he gave him a place to sleep and for living and it's enough, he don't have to take care of him that much', with that he went back.

Felix wake up and went to the left side and went to washroom, he didn't know where is it so he asked a maid he saw there and went where the maid point out.

He fixes his hairs, clothes and face then decide to go, not to Hyunjin but to his parents' house.

Hyunjin came back to living room but Felix is nowhere to be seen so he asked his butler and he told him that Felix left a little ago.

"Where did he left?"

"Don't know, Sir"

"Oh! Okay" Hyunjin said and went to garden and his butler is standing there totally in shock coz Hyunjin always scold and yelled when his maids or butler say that they don't know anything about what he ask but this time he went away without even scolding them.

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