༺ 22. ༻

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*•.¸♡  Felix's Pov:   ✧˚ · .

I woke up and saw Hyunjin sleeping beside me, cuddling me. I can feel the warmth of his body as our bodies are attach to each other. I don't know how it happen coz when we went to sleep he was on his side and I was on mine, away from each other but now he is too close to me or cuddling me, may be it just happened when we were asleep.

But how he looks so charming even when he is asleep. Look at these sharp cat eyes... I never knew that they can look so much adorable even when they are close. The star below his eye makes his beauty ethereal. He is so unreal for this. Those pink plump lips make me peck them but sadly I can't do that, I know my limits and I don't want to destroy things more. I had never seen him so closely before. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen. I don't know if I am lucky or unlucky.... lucky because this beautiful person is my husband or unlucky because we will gonna divorce soon.... but still I think lucky? At least I got 2 months to spend with him, to know him better, to live as the same roof as him, to care of him.... But in the end we will go on our separate ways. Wish, I can keep him mine until my death. But that's the wish which will never going to be complete, so, I shouldn't get my hopes up... But I'll love him and only him forever •́  ‿  ,⁠•̀

After I realize, I can't keep him mine for forever and this thought make me feel sad so I decide to get up from my place coz I knew if I don't then I will surely fall deeper than ever for his charm, for his personality, and in short, for him more and more... Oh, shit! I am falling.... It's better to get up than fall down for this man.

I tried to get his hands, which are caging my waist lightly, away from me but his grip just tightened more. He is not holding me but just keep his hands intertwined behind my waist. I again tried to move him away but this time he gripped my waist tightly, my breathe hitched. I swear if he keep his hands like this a second more, you all will find me dead and my soul will blame him for that.

His cold yet soft hands are wrapping around my waist, holding me tightly, making me stay freeze on my place. I tried to remain calm but nothing is helping me to do so. But again when I tried to stay calm and somehow I manag- *breathe hitched* HIS FACE IS CLOSE TO MINE.... I didn't noticed that before... again, my heartbeat is playing with my emotions. Ohh God, please, don't wake him up at this moment.

I didn't give up here coz I am afraid that what would happen if he wake up? Will he push me away? Will he blame me for going too close to him? But I didn't tho.. I am on my side he came here.... But that arrogant man will never understand me.

I don't have any other chances tho except waking him up and tell him to stay away from me, but that would be rude, isn't it?, and the other is letting him do whatever he is doing and stay still here, but this make me feel him more and then it will make me fall harder then in the end, it will all left me broken.

But still I didn't go with any of them instead I decide to try again and make sure to not wake him up.

"LeT mE sLEep, FeliX" Hyunjin said in his morning but deep hoarse voice. I didn't even notice I made him wake up a bit.

He then put his face on the crook of my neck and tightened his grip on my waist, pulling me closer to his body and put his one leg on mine like intertwining them...

My breath hitched as I feel his hot breath on my neck, directly on my weak spot... Why is he doing this to me? Coz he is asleep, right? His right hand made its way to tugged on the hem of my light shirt while the left one is still holding me tightly. The shirt is already very light as I can feeling his cold hands on my skin and it feels so good but then I realized that that's not right. He is sleeping and I don't want to take advantage of it. I tried to stop his hand going further which is now touching my skin under my shirt and I squirm under his touch. The electric sensation is making it's way in my body from my head to toe and then toe to head. I can say it all feels so good but that's not right.

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