༺ 43. ༻

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Before getting into the chapter, just know that Hyunjin and Felix passed their exams (which happened in dreams 😭) and now out of the Uni means they are not Uni students anymore. (I forget to mention these in past chapters) ......

Let's get into it, do vote guys... 🥺 Please.

Not proofread 👉🏻👈🏻

So, what happened when I was not there?

Nothing much... Just those dudes think of me as an amateur
A guy in full black chuckled darkly and deeply and earn the same chuckle from the latter.

That's gonna be shocking news for them if they find out about you.
The one who asked the question first, now replied.

That's interesting.

Ofc, it is.

Well, what about the thing I told you to do?

I already done it! Now it's just time for the show........But I have a question.

Hmm, what is it?

Why those dudes think about Hyunjin in a totally different way? They think Hyunjin is a bad guy like not good for some reasons... but the more I get to know about him, he doesn't even look suspicious.. neither I found him doing any bad thing. Then why?

Let it be, they are just protective a little bit. They'll understand when the time comes.

If you say so.

Yup. Just 6 more days to go with this shit then, on the 7th day, everything will be on do or die situation.

What if....

No. It can't be!

5 days left in completing 2 months!...

"What happened? Why are you roaming like a clueless cat?" Minho said in a chilling manner, entering in the dark room filled with weapons and self-defense items.

"The man you send, our espionage agent, is dead! That fuckin bitch! That fuckin bitch killed him with dagger, he has a deep wound on his stomach right on his liver and he is dead! She stabbed him! We lost our one of the best espionage agent, Minho! We lost Mingi, today!" Hyunjin yelled, tell Minho everything that happened to their beloved friend. Minho is shocked ... They can't lost their friends, not anymore when they already lost three (Jeonghan, one of the best snapper.... Jin, the Mafia boss's biggest supporter and one who leads Espionage Agents perfectly.... Niki, one of the best soldier and hitman) last year.

"No- no, Hyunjin... Tell me y-you are lying" Minho shockingly whisper.

"I wish I can say that but that's truth" Hyunjin said as tears flowed his eyes.
Minho can't make words anymore... This can't be happen... This is not happening... This is not what supposed to happen... It should be her who is here, lying down on this floor, dead. This is not what supposed to be happen!

"Min, we lost M-Mingi... We can't lose any of our friends anymore, Min! Why? Why it happened?! We can't afford any more lose, Min" Hyunjin lost control, anger took over him and his emotions.

Minho doesn't know how to react like his body get paralyzed.

They were in shock until 3 people came in that dark room too.

And that was Chan, Changbin and Jisung.

"Why did you cal- Who is that?!" Chan's sentence changed in a blink of an eye, his voice get deep and loud, asking about the dead body.

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