༺ 57. ༻

790 29 12

How's that guy?

Still unconscious but out of danger.

Do you guys found out who he is and what's his name?

Not his name but we are sure that he is not a common person but someone like us.

Hmm. And where are the proofs?


Great, and Hwang Jihyun?

Well, we don't really know about that.

Try to work fast on that

But boss?


If we ever got that man, what we'll get from him?

He is the whole man I need.

Okay, boss.

"Gyu, I would love to but I can't, I can't come today, sorry. We already planned to spend a day for mo-" Felix was talking to his friend on call when Hyunjin interrupt him and asked who is on the call and Lix showed the caller's name instead of telling him from his mouth, then Hyunjin gestures him to call him too at the same avenue where they are going.

"Hello? Lix? Are you here?" Beomgyu asked when no one is speaking from the other side.

"Yeah, yeah... I am, wait a minute" he answered asking Hyunjin if it's okay to call him... And he replied yes, it's okay.

"Gyu?" He called him and Hyunjin rolled his eyes on the nickname...


"What if I can't come but you can, right?"

"Dude! It's not like someone is hearing our conversation, just say it simply why are you making it complicated to understand?"

"Gosh! I mean... We already made plan for a movie, and we are going to **** cinema and I want you to come there so we can hangout too"

"I can only if it's fine with them"

"It's fine with them"

"Another thing, I am not alone... Wooyoung and me were planning together"

"Wooyoung? Yes, you two are invited, man!" Felix said looking at Hyunjin to make him jealous and he death stare him while the younger chuckled and the reaction.

"Send the location then"

"I'll text"

"Ok, byee...take care"



"Wooyoung?" Hyunjin asked feeling jelly after listening the name.

"Yes, Wooyoung~" he teased and Hyunjin hummed not wanting to argue, he knows he shouldn't be jealous of him. He has a boyfriend while Felix is his... Their is nothing to be jealous of but something about the guy made him feel odd.

"Gosh! Jinniee~ why? Why are you still jealous of him?" "I don't know. That guy is just not right"

"And how?" Felix asked raising his brows, thinking hard.

"Like I feel something familiar whenever I see him"

"Like what?" "I don't know but it's something suspicious" Hyunjin said getting irritated at the topic.

"He is my friend, Jinnie~ I know him since long. He is a good guy, you are misunderstood" he tried to calm the older.

"Felix, you are too good to find someone's bad side. You always see good in people.. you don't know the one who seems sweet is the one who shove dagger on the back" he said cupping his face and squished his face.

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