༺ 26. ༻

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Felix's alarm was ringing but still both of them sleeping soundly, cuddling each other.

Hyunjin wake up with a noise of alarm and saw the little sunshine sleeping in his embrace. He smiled and then search of the alarm with his hand behind Felix, on the table. He stopped it and then saw Felix who is rubbing his eyes with his cute little hands.

"Since when you are staring me?" Felix asked once he saw Hyunjin looking at him, smiling.

"Just now, this fuckin alarm wake you or else I will look at your beautiful angelic face more" Hyunjin said making Felix blush and giggle a little.

And then both remembered the night occasion when they almost kissed.

Felix tried to get up to hide his embarrassment but Hyunjin stop him and said....

"Let's stay like this" and Hug him.

"It's uni time" Felix mumbled.

"Please, just a little" Hyunjin begged, making puppy face.

Felix laugh at Hyunjin's facial expressions...

"Why are you laughing?" Hyunjin asked.

"Look at your face, you are looking like a cute dumpling" Felix said still laughing.

"And you are looking like a beautiful angel" Hyunjin whispered making Felix stop laughing and blushed.

"Can you please stop making me blush early in the morning?" Felix asked shyly.

"So you accept that you are blushing unlike yesterday?" Hyunjin asked looking at his cute husband.

"Stoppp~ Hyunjin" Felix whined while blushing still.

"I love when you act all cute" Hyunjin said and Felix smiled, screaming internally, thinking 'He called he love when I act like this'...

"Where are you lost?" Hyunjin asked trying to get his attention.

"Nowhere" Felix smiled.

"Now, let's get up, we are getti-"

"No, stay like this, I feel comfortable when you are close to me like this" Hyunjin said pulling Felix close.

"Why are you acting all lovey dovey like this?" Felix asked, he is confused but not complaining, he liked it.

"I am not acting, this side just came naturally when you are with me" Hyunjin confessed naturally.. he doesn't meant to say this... Don't get him wrong it's just he wants to but not now .... He is not ready to open up fully yet.

"Thank you" Felix said making circles on Hyunjin's chest.

"For what?" Hyunjin asked.

"For everything"

"Everything? For hurting you too?" He asked confusingly.

"Yes" Felix answered with a smile.


"After hurting me, I saw how you feel. I know you don't meant to but it's just happen because of your anger issues, you don't have to say sorry for this each and every time" Felix said and Hyunjin is praying that Felix didn't hear him last night.

"W-who told you?" He asked.

"Minho Hyung, I asked him about you some days ago" Felix said.

"What did he tell you?" And now he is praying that Minho didn't tell him his whole life.

"Nothing much" Felix said getting up as Hyunjin's grip around him lose when praying.

"But still how much?" He asked, sitting on the bed, still holding Felix's hand and preventing him from going away.

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