༺ 31. ༻

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Today is a normal day in Hyunjin's Mansion but something is there which is not normal and you know what's that? His Heart.

His heart is pounding crazily inside his chest just because he woke up and found a sleeping beauty in his embrace and suddenly he remembers the night event. Last night, the sleeping angel was rolling out unholy sounds and words and now he is sleeping like an angel, looking so pure and fine.

Hyunjin's Pov.

I can't believe that I confessed my love to him, yesterday. And now I am feeling too much light, finally there is nothing inside my heart which can bother me anymore. Somehow, it feels like I should thanks my so called father who forced me in this marriage and in the end it turns out to be the bestest thing my father ever did for me.

Everything's apart just look at that guy hugging me in his sleep. The Perfect Angel, My Perfect Angel.

Gosh, those freckles are like stars on his face, a small galaxy. Now, I can kiss him, right? And I want to, badly, but I ain't going to do it coz consent matters too much for me but look at those lips, perfectly heart shaped, tastes like strawberry. I am holding back the urge to kiss him but his fucking delicious lips is not helping a lil bit of it.

Well the skin shipping and our position is actually one of the thing which is not helping too- oh wait, he is waking up.

Haha, he looks so cute after waking up, hairs disheveled, eyes half closed and trying to open it slowly slowly, lips pouting and looks at me like a lost puppy.

"Good morning, love" I smilingly said and finally he came in his senses and a pink hint of blush crept on his cheeks, making him even more bubbly.

"Good morning" he lightly said, and turns his face in the opposite direction but little did he know that I still can see him by the help of the mirror, facing us.

I tightened my grip on his waist as he tried to hide. My hands makes contact with his bare warm skin. I can feel the goosebumps he get because of my touch as the small bumps appear on his milky skin.

Felix's Pov.

I woke up and saw Hyunjin looking at me with love and adoration in his eyes. He looks so ethereal, his beauty is ethereal which makes me go crazy every single time I look at him.

He sounded so sexy when he greet me morning in his deep voice, not more than mine tho but hus voice is sometimes pretty deep and in the morning, he sounds so sexy and hot and the name he called me 'love', fucking makes me shy, how can he have the aura which makes me weak for him. 'love' right? Yeah, his love and he is mine. I don't wanna argue more, HE IS MINE! ONLY MINE! AND THAT'S IT!

I greet back with a small 'good morning' too but then I remembered the last night crazy moments which makes me shy more so I just turned my face away but I forget that there is a fucking mirror and he can see me and you know what when I realized he can see me? Fuckin when he wink at me from the mirror and then I realized that no! That is not happening but it happens, fuck my life but that's so hot of him.

I tried to go away a lil bit as his bare skin is touching mine bare skin, coz last night, after that, you know what I am talking about, he cleaned both of us and then we slept, no, no, don't get me wrong we wore boxers, ofc, don't let your dirty minds activated. We slept just wearing boxers and now when I wake up I realized his warm skin is in contact with mine and it's making me shy thinking of that event and when his he is looking at me with his eyes full of love, holding me his embrace, just make me feel love, the same life I wanted with him. And when I tried to go away he just tightened his grip on my waist and his warm hands give me goosebumps.

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