༺ 28. ༻

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All have to go Chan's and Changbin's shared house. (Both live together)


Everyone is sitting in a peaceful environment, in a TV lounge, and gossiping when out of sudden Changbin freaked out, making seven souls in seven bodies passed out but thankfully-

"Oii, Changbin-ah!" Yelled minho, the scared kitty cat - what Felix called him, ready to kill him.

"Hyung?" Jeongin, who was sitting beside him, asked putting his hand on his shoulder.

Chan is glaring, Seungmin is looking at him like a lost puppy, Jisung being dramatic - holding his chest like he is passing out.

"Bro, keep your ass easy on the couch and stop being a dramatic ass all the time" Hyunjin stated to Jisung who was clinging on him and acting weird.

"Hey Hyung, you fine?" Felix asked to Changbin gaining Hyunjin's attention.

"I- the ra-"

"What's that smell?" Seungmin asked as he smell the burning smell. No wonder he is a puppy.

"Changbin! Don't tell me you burnt the whole ramen!" Chan who was silent the whole time finally burst out.

"Sorry, Hyung" Changbin said making puppy face but Chan is looking like a mad person.

"That's why I always told you to not cook" Chan said walking towards kitchen.

"Yeah, and I remember the time when you burnt the whole kitchen down and Chan Hyung had to set up it again, alone" Minho stated walking after Chan and scolding Changbin at the same time.

"Fuck your impression, now" Chan yelled from the kitchen and Minho laugh while everyone except Changbin is confused.
What impression?

Changbin didn't said anything but look down in embarrassment. He just put ramens on stove and came back, thinking that he will go back after minute to check it but then he get too much deep in talk with Jeongin that he forget.

"What impression?" Hyunjin asked.

"Ask him, he wants to im-"

"Okay, okay, Hyung, sorry, I didn't mean to it's just happened. Now please, don't" Changbin said, basically begging Chan while Minho laugh evilly.

"I.N-ah" Minho said coming back with burnt ramen.

"Yeah" "How is it looking?" Minho asked about the burnt ramen. "To be honest, it stinks" Jeongin said laughing. "Ofc".

"Is this your first impression, Binniee~?" Minho asked wiggling his brows with an evil smirk on his face.

"Jisung, make him stop~" Changbin said.
"Why dragging me in your shits?" Jisung asked back.
"Coz you can-"
"Ok, I surrender"
Minho said and went back laughing, he knows he was about to get exposed.

"It's okay, no need to be embarrass" Jeongin said patting his shoulder.
Changbin nodded.

Chan came back and lightly smack Changbin's head.



Hyunjin is getting bored, he pulls out his phone and start texting someone.

Baby Chick🐥❤️:


On the other side Felix's phone buzz.

He opened the chat and a natural and beautiful smile spread on his face.


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