༺ 36. ༻

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*mature content ahead* read at your own risk .... I ain't putting warning ⚠️ coz there are a lot of the things happened! If you wanna read then stay and read and if feeling uncomfortable then you can leave, choice is yours! and this is nothing to sexualize idols or anyone... It's just a fanfiction! Again I am saying THE PURE FICTION!....
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"Yay! let's go pack!" Hyunjin yelled and pull Felix with him in their shared bedroom.

"Jinnie, calm down" Felix tried to chill out his husband but he is too busy in pulling the younger with himself and.....

"Ouch!" Felix yelled and groaned in pain, making Hyunjin worried and stop in his way.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly

"It hurts" "where?" "Here" Felix said pointing at his hand which Hyunjin was holding.

"Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't- sorry baby, I am really sorr-" "My pain from your apology will not fade away" Felix said and Hyunjin feel ashamed of doing it.

"I am really sorry, I shouldn't do that, I am such a bad hu-" and with that he felt a pair of sweet lips attached to his own plump ones for 5 seconds.

"Don't you dare say that!" Felix warned and suppress his laugh looking at Hyunjin.

"Why are you laughing?" Hyunjin asked perplexed.

"You are an easy target to tease" Felix said and laugh hysterically.

And Hyunjin understood Felix was doing drama to stop him from pulling him further more.

"You!-" Hyunjin pointed his index finger on him while Felix showed him his middle finger making Hyunjin smirk.

"Want this inside?" Hyunjin sternly yet sexily asked, holding Felix's hand and holding his hips by his big veiny hand, a smirk plastered on his face.

"W-what?" Felix's breathe hitched when Hyunjin grips tight on his hip and his middle finger was dangerously close to his hole.

"Cat got your tongue?" Hyunjin whisperingly asked.

And when Felix was not be able to control himself from whimper, Hyunjin squished his hip and pull him towards himself more if it is even possible.

"I was kidding, please~" Felix managed to say, still holding his breathe.

"Kitten, breathe" Hyunjin whispered in his ear and kiss on his neck.

"You know you are an easy target to tease not me" Hyunjin chuckled and bite on his neck, lightly.

"I, ofc, w-ill when someone do something like that to me" The younger one got courage, stuttered but said that in one breathe.

"Someone? You would let anyone to touch you the way I do?" Hyunjin growled feeling offended, gripped tight on Felix's ass and pin him to the wall.

"I m-mean you" Felix mewled under Hyunjin's touch.

"Huh! Me?" He smirked and lifted Felix's chin by his long slender finger. "And what do you mean by 'something like that', huh baby~?" Hyunjin said in a husky tone, closing the distance between their faces, letting a centimeter gap which is filled by their hot breathing.

Felix blushed at the statement and look into Hyunjin's cat-ish eyes by his own deep doe ones.

"Words baby" Hyunjin teased.

"Hyunjin, don't please~"

"What should I consider about your statement baby, first you are saying 'don't' then 'please'... Huh?"

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