༺ 27. ༻

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"Th-those are all r-rumors, right?" Felix asked looking into Hyunjin's eyes.

"First, stop crying, baby" Hyunjin wipe Felix's tears.

Felix just hug him and Hyunjin feel the urge to carry him and take him somewhere where no one is present, just them but they are in University and there are cameras too but is that even matter in love?

He made Felix stop crying somehow and take him (no, no, not by carrying him but holding on his waist and they are walking) to the room, he remember Felix took him once aka Maknaes secret room. Actually this is a classroom but not even a single teacher came here as it is at the back and corner of Uni.

Hyunjin take him there and make him sit on one of the chair then sit in front of him, on his knees, on floor, and hold his hand then ask.

"Now, tell me what happened? Why were you crying and what rumors you were talking about?" Hyunjin asked.

"About you?" Felix murmured. Felix is not crying anymore.

"About me? Which one? Coz there are a lot of rumors about me" Hyunjin is confuse that how do suddenly Felix is thinking about those rumors.

"All" Felix doesn't brag that one rumor because he know if that one is not truth than Hyunjin will surely get hurt and think that Felix don't trust him but he do, he trust him more than anything but what those girls said made him a little insecure. He doesn't want Hyunjin to feel something bad.

"All? So every rumor about me are rumors, fake, all a lie, except one" Hyunjin confessed, he know he has to clear things before it will get worse, and he wants to do it.

"Which one?" Felix asked curiously.

"That I am married to you" Hyunjin smilingly said and Felix lightly blushed.

"Really?" He excitedly asked.

"Really!" Hyunjin reassured him but the thought is eating him inside that how Felix out of sudden start caring about rumors. Is there someone who brag the topic or maybe told something to him about this which made him cry. Like what in the world happened when Felix was on his way to washroom.

"Someone said something to you? That's why you were crying?" He asked coz he knew something is fishy.

"But first, promise me, you will not gonna fight" Felix want promise coz he know Hyunjin's nature.

"Sorry, baby, but I will" Hyunjin confessed.

"No, you won't" Felix said.

"I will fight to all of them who made you cry"

"Why are you like this?" Felix asked coz Hyunjin forced him to asked this because of his aggressive nature.

"Coz I can't see tears in your eyes" Hyunjin confessed again and ofc, who is Felix to not like it.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know, whenever I see you crying or hurt, it pains and hurts me" He confessed again.

"Where?" Felix asked.

"Here" Hyunjin points at his Heart making Felix blush out of sudden.

"Shut up!" Felix slapped on his chest and Hyunjin holds his cute hands and pulls him towards himself.

"That's truth, baby" He said and Felix feels butterflies.

"Why are you calling me that~?" He whined, it's not like he don't like it, he likes it, ofc, but Hyunjin is making him shy and acts a little flirty.

"What?" He asked knowing well but still.

"B-baby" Felix mumbled.

"Why you don't like it?" Hyunjin asked holding on Felix's waist.

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