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Lix, if possible, try to dodge Hyunjin for an hour and come meet us at our place.

I can't just disappear when he is at home. I'll let you know if I can... Can't you just give me my answers on call?

That's the thing.. we can't. There are things that you need to look at. It can't be done on call.

Fine! I'll try.


Felix managed to came outta house as he told Hyunjin that he is going to meet Seungmin and will be back in an hour.. Hyunjin wanted to drop him at Seungmin's house but Felix insisted that he'll go by himself and that he has nothing to worry about.

"What?" The only word he roll out when he saw his mates.

"You came" Wooyoung smiled.

"Okay, so... Lix, Hyunjin's mother is alive... You were right. We went to her grave and found out that that place is empty"

"But Lix told that Hyunjin said 'they couldn't find her body as it float away with water somewhere'... Maybe that's why" one of them bickered.

"No. That's not the reason I can tell. I found three pictures of Mrs. Hwang, covered with blood, in her early 40s and they said Hyunjin was 7 when his mother died and that time her age was 28 and now when he is 24 she should be 45 or around it. It means the picture I found was around 2 or 3 year ago or something.. and if I found her pictures how can it be possible that she is dead"
He said and take the pictures out of his pocket.

"But how do you know the pictures you have are of Mrs. Hwang?"

"I mean, look at her facial features.. same  catish eyes Hyunjin and Yeji have... Same plump lips like Hyune. And if I not lie she looks same as Yeji" He said looking at her pic.

"But if we talk about catish eyes then Mr. Hwang also had these.. maybe they got it from him and it's not her" Wooyoung denied the fact.

"Hyung, you should go home and rest" Seungmin said rolling his eyes.

"Well, she really is looking like Yeji" Ryujin said trying to remove the mark of blood from the picture and admire the pic.

"And now all we have to do is find her and give clues to Hyunjin and his team to find Mr. Hwang"

"But we already found him"

"I know. Once he'll get a little better, you all will take him to the old house where we found the map and leave him there then we'll gave clues to them to find Mr. Hwang on their own self.. I don't want to do all the things myself coz it can lead Hyunjin to find us instead of his father"

"And why?"

"Coz we are the one who are finding and doing all the things and Royal Devils are just sitting and sighing each and everyday.. and once they'll think they can find dad with our help just like they got Mingi.. they will try to find us instead of them coz they'll got Dad at any cost whether they tried to find them or not"

"Ohh, yes. You're right"

"Now, our mission is to find Hyunjin's mother... Hope she is alright"

"It doesn't look like she's alright.. the picture has soaked blood and the one doing these things is a psycho and we can't let her die like that" Ryujin said looking at the picture and purse her lips.

"Yeah, send this pic to forensic lab and tell them to find out whose blood it is... Male or female"


"And what about Hyunjin's mother? I mean, stepmother"

"It's so confusing... Why he has two mothers?" Beomgyu said annoyingly.

"Why is it confusing?"

"Like whenever we said 'his mother' it confuses me as in real mother or step one"

"Gyu, stop being ridiculous. You know we are talking about his biological mother whenever we said 'his mother'.... After all his stepmother died in front of us"

"Yes, the sight was amazing" Ryujin said chuckling.

"And how Jeongin and Seungmin fit the bomb in her car... No one even got to know where it is placed"


"After all we are leaders of Mafia gang for a reason" Seungmin and Ryujin said in unison making everyone chuckled darkly.


"I am hundred percent sure that her stepmother gave those medicines to Mr. Hwang to forget about his past life and his children, Yeji and Hyunjin".

"Yup! And now all we have to know is who was with her before she died.. it is possible that whoever it was is the one behind all these after she died" Ryujin said.

"No need to find who it is" Felix said on call talking to her.

"Why? You don't want to or you already knew?"

And to his answer Felix just chuckle in his deep voice which was enough for Ryujin to get it.

"You know?! Then why are we playing hide and seek with him or her?! We should've just catch them??"

"No. We won't catch him like that.. let the fun begins~"


"Ohh c'mon, Ryu, we don't know all the things what he is doing... Maybe there are more... And moreover, we don't even know why they are doing this? First let us know then that time will come when we'll catch him and he'll beg for mercy"



2 days passed and now, Mr. Hwang is better than before so Felix made a plan to let him go coz he'll also take care of his father-in-law when he'll get home after Hyunjin will find him.

"C'mon go now!" He said more like yell.

"Do as I said and make sure to cover you face properly.. he can't be able to see your face. Got it?"


"Great, go"

And they did as he said.. leave him in that old house and give him an injection of unconsciousness.


"Hyung, it was outside" Soobin came in with a box in his hand..

"What's this?" Chan asked and open it when he found a map which said 'Want your dad back? Come at this address and take him back'

"Wowww" all he could say is this and called  Hyunjin and Minho then tell them about this.

Hyunjin, Jisung and Minho reached at their locus and there they meet with Chan, Soobin, Yeonjun, Changbin, Yeji and San with a box placed on the table

"Look, here it is" Changbin exclaimed.

"What if it's someone's conspiracy to get us together?" Jisung asked.

"Anything is possible. We have to stay focus and alert" Hyunjin said yet he wants to believe what Felix said to him about giving it a chance but what Felix even know about Mafia world so he shrugged the thought and took a deep breath before going..

And they all went in their jeep to find Dad.


"The experiment said it was a female's blood"

"I can tell it's hers"

"What to do now?"

"Find every possible thing related to her as soon as possible"



Short chapter coz I'm writing it while sitting in a car on my way for my aunt's house.

Soo.... unfortunately, maybe no chapter of any of the book tomorrow.

Or if I got time I'll try to write some and update it.

Not proofread!

Okieee~ byeee💜

Take care❤️

Love youuuu~🤍💙

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