༺ 35. ༻

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After meeting with their father both Minho and Felix felt happy.

Doctor came in and told them to went out for some minutes so he can check the patients.

All of them came out and came in contact with 5 boys standing there, waiting for them.

"How is your parents?" Jisung and Seungmin was first who ran into Felix and asked.

"Dad is fine but Mom is still unconscious" He replied and everyone sat outside the hospital, in garden.

They chitchat and get involved in the environment and forget about the tensions and depressions they have.. suddenly Minho get up and walks away no one noticed him except one.

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━

Minho went to the backside of the hospital, kicking the rocks and ground... and stomping his foot on the ground to let out his anger.

One hand inside his pocket and the other one went through his hair to let all his frustration out.

The sight is hot to see for someone certain, how Minho sliding his hand through his hair and how gently his hand is inside his Jeans' side pocket and in anger he is looking hotter than before.... But controlling himself Jisung went to him and holds his hand which was about to punch the tree. (innocent 🌲🌴)

And he suddenly calm down, he didn't even know how but the single and simple touch makes him calm down and all the furiousness in his eyes vanished just by looking at the person in front of him. Jisung.

"Stop hitting random things, you'll just hurt yourself" Jisung said holding his hand.

"I hurt my parents" Minho mumbled looking sad.

"You didn't do that on purpose"
"But still I did"
"Stop blaming yourself"
"I am a bad son"
Minho mumbled again, feeling bad and guilt start rising in him.
"No you aren't"
Jisung holds his hand and made him sit on the bench and sit in front of him on ground.

"Hyung, I know you since long enough that I can say that you can never hurt someone on purpose and they are your parents.. I don't know what is happening in your family but as much as I know you and Lix, I can tell you guys can never hurt someone for fun or for nothing... Stop blaming yourself, you are a good person-"

"No, I am not"

"You are. I know, we don't talk much but I know you and you are a good person, now stop crying and saying bad things about yourself and your parents already forgive you both so now no need to cry and waist your precious tears" jisung said and wipe his tears and once Minho noticed jisung was sitting on the ground, he lifted him by holding his hand and made him sit beside him.

"How can you be able to calm me down that much fastly?" Minho asked in shock, feeling his heartbeat racing inside his chest as it was about to explode with the happiness and come out of his chest.

"Did I really do?" Jisung asked smiling widely, making Minho coo at his cuteness.

"Felix was right, you really are sunshine" Minho admitted... Jisung want to protest and denied but the red blush spreading on his cheeks not letting him utter any single word but to blush more under the strong gaze of Minho.

He could feel the stare on him and the hot breathe on his face as they are sitting closely... And suddenly....


"Yeah, now kiss!" Hyunjin yelled from behind, clicking their picture.

"Look here too!" Changbin yelled from the other side, clicking the picture too.

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