༺ 48. ༻

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Minho went in Hyunjin's mansion - unlocking every lock or door with the duplicate keys Hyunjin had given him before.

He storm in his house, didn't even see here and there, passed by the living room, the kitchen, the guest rooms, and directly just storm in Hyunjin's room which is upstairs.

He went in - locked the door - and saw Hyunjin sleeping peacefully like he just didn't divorce Felix.

He throw a tight punch on sleeping Hyunjin's jaw making him jolt in sleep and another punch which made him fully awake. He yelled and groaned in pain..

"What the hec-" His sentence got cut with another punch on his stomach making him yelp.

Once he saw it's Minho in his room using h as punching bag, he tried to standup but the kick on his stomach didn't help him standing up instead he fall on the floor.

"You bastard! You said you love him! You promised me that you will make him happy! You promised Dad that you'll never let any single tear come in his eyes except of happiness! How dare you hurt him! I told you I'll kill you if you hurt him! And you're done now!" Minho yelled with every punch or kick he is landing at Hyunjin... With every sentence he punched or kicked him sometimes on his stomach sometimes on his legs, sometimes on his thighs.

Minho stopped himself once he saw his best friend in such a critical situation. He tried to calm himself. He tried to stop himself from hitting his bestie. But what he did making him to hit the shit out of him more. He somehow managed to look away and calm the shit inside himself down.

Hyunjin let out a chuckle when he saw that that's the only courage his bestie has to hit him. He managed to stand yet his stomach is paining but somehow he managed. Minho's back is facing Hyunjin and this mf has a proud smirk on his almost broken jaw.

"That's all?" Looks like the mf wants to die

Minho tried to remain his calm and turn around he was about to talk calmly but once he saw the proud smirk on his face and he knows what this smirk means and once he saw the hickeys, the marks, the purplish bruises which are fuckin hickeys - on his neck which is fully visible, on his arms, on his collar bones which is a little bit visible - his brain short-circuited and all the calmness inside him vanished.

"Those hickeys?! Who the fuck you spend your night with!? Did you get any other slut to fuck with!? Since when you are like this!? Huh?! Since when you are fucking with sluts behind my back!? Since when you are hiding all these shits?!" This time with all those sentences his bones didn't hurt even when Minho punched him again but his Heart shattered!

Is that all trust he had on his best friend!?

His Heart Shattered!

The heart which broke yesterday into many pieces - the broken pieces which now turned into million tiny molecules with just some sentences!

It fuckin hurts!!!

Chan, Han and Changbin were yelling from outside to open the door and stop fighting, trying to open the door as they already recognized Minho by his loud yelling.

"I swear to God, if something happen I will lose my sanity! What the fuck is going on!" Changbin yelled out of frustration.

"Hyung, break the door" Han suggested and Chan and Changbin are putting all their forces to break the door but looks like the door is also like Hyunjin's fuckin brain... It is not even bulging.

"It's not breaking! Think something else" Changbin said panicking as now they can hear loud yelling from both of them.

"It's already a lot of time and we couldn't be able to do anything... Shit shit shit!" Chan said thinking and thinking... What can they do?!

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