༺ 14. ༻

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After Felix's confession, when Hyunjin didn't confess... Felix leave smilingly but both knows that smile is fake.... He hides his pain.... He is hurt.... Actually, both are hurt....

"Hyung, can you drop me at home?" Felix went to Minho and asked if he can drop him at home.

"Ofc, but where is Hyunjin?" Minho asked as they all know Felix is the one who took Hyunjin with him from class.

"He has a class to attend that's why I am asking this to you" Felix normally said, he is hurt, he is not feeling well but still he is talking to his brother like is fine.

"Okay, come" Minho said and leave with Felix.

After sometime Hyunjin saw Jisung and others. He ran to him and ask ...

"Did you see Felix anywhere?" Hyunjin asked.

"Why? Already missing your husband?" Jisung teased.

"Shut up Jisung, just tell me if you see him or not" Hyunjin asked, he was afraid what if something happen to him, what if he hurt himself, what if he cry again bcoz of him.....

"Yeah I did"

"Where?" Hyunjin immediately asked.

"Too much patience" Jisung sarcastically said and teased.

"Don't test my patience, Jisung" Hyunjin just wanna see the one....

"Hwang, I am your bestie" Jisung pout.

"Gosh! Leave it" Hyunjin says and leave when he heard Jisung yell and he stops.

"He left" Jisung said go him.

"Left? Where?" Hyunjin asked confused.

"He said you have a class to attend so he asked Minho Hyung to drop him home" Jisung explain and Hyunjin get confuse.... He don't have any class to attend.

"Ohh okay, thanks" then he get that Felix lied to them.... And he thanked then leave....

"This love,,, he forget his bestie" Jisung murmured and everyone laughs ...

Minho and Felix was on their way when Minho asked...

"Lix, everything is fine?"

"Yes, Hyung"

"You know I can tell when something is off, so tell me what happen?"


"You know what, Lixieee, since this marriage thing starts you start lying to me"

"It's not like that, Hyung"

"Then what it's even like?"

"Just get us home then I'll tell you"

"Each and every thing"

"Yeah, yeah, each and everything"

Finally, after some minutes, they are home now.

Felix took Minho to his room and closed the door.

"Now, speak" Minho said impatiently.

"First, I want your answers" Felix said.

"About what?"

"You know Hyunjin since years, right?"


"Then tell me about him"

"What do you wanna know about him?"

"Tell me everything you know about him, will you?"

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