༺ 63. ༻

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• Smutty (guess, too much)
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• Not that much smut but hell! There is!
Vote for any one heart.

Behind those hearts there are stories hidden that I will publish.

Smutty one after this one and 2nd one after 'Angel or Devil'.

So, choose wisely and let me know in the comments section so I'll be able to start writing them.


"Felix?" Someone said from the other side of the phone.

"What? What's with your voice? You seems kinda worried" Felix said, combing his hair while his phone is, on speaker, on the dressing table infront.

"We are not safe anymore" he listened the older said with fear in his voice.

Felix understood where their conversation is going, he throw the comb on the dressing table, remove the call from speaker and pull it towards his ear in hurry as if someone will hear them. He ran towards the door and saw outside, luckily there was no one and he locked the door.

"What does it mean?" He asked hoping it was not what he is thinking it is. His brain is already messed up with the nightmare, he doesn't wanna think about it yet their conversation leads his brain to think about it.

"Remember, the bracelet, San gifted me on our anniversary, I thought I lost it somewhere until I saw that in San's hand and he was examining it, looking mad... Thank God that he didn't see me that time" he full stopped his sentence and Felix cluelessly hummed.

"So? What's wrong in that? I mean, he is your boyfriend. He has rights" Felix said throwing himself on bed and sighing until he heard the next words which made his soul almost left his body and he yeeted himself out of bed.

"You are not getting the point. I mean, I think I lost it last nigh-" "DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU LOST IT OUT OF THAT OLD UGLY HOUSE!" He yelled in shock.

"Damn! Lixie, you are the genius. And you are also right. I fuckin lost it there. Maybe when jumping from that tree you all made me climb at" Wooyoung also burst out from other side. Both knows that they fucked up. Actually Wooyoung's bracelet fucked things up.

"That's why! That's why I always tell you to take off all the accessories before going" Felix said in disbelieve that they are about to get caught.

"I fuckin need to do something" Lix said whisperingly and walk back and forth while scratching his head.. maybe it could help.

"I also want you to do something or else we are doomed" Wooyoung said making a not so pleasure sound.

"Yah... What should I do? What should I do? I have to do something... Gosh! Why are we in this situation when there's already a lot happening?! What should I do? Think Felix think... What's the thin-" Felix was blabbering things while thinking hard and get cut off by none other than silly Wooyoung.

"Yeah, think Felix think. You have to do something, Lix. Think-" He said more like cheered.

"What the fuck, Hyung?! Let me think!" He was so done with things happening and with the people around him.

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