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It is two at night and Hyunjin didn't came home and Felix was not feeling well. He feels like something bad happened or gonna happen.. his heart isn't just at peace. He wanna see Hyunjin as soon as possible but Hyunjin is not returning home.

Even though Hyunjin told him not to wait but can you even stop yourself to see the person when you're so in love and moreover when you know it's time for them to come back home?

He was walking here and there, he just wanna know if everything's fine.. if Hyunjin is fine.. coz the feeling he is feeling right now only happen when something bad happen in their lives.. and now .. why is this feeling coming back?

"Hyunjin!" He gasped when he saw Hyunjin coming in like he was looking so devastated and out of his own senses. Felix went to him and holds him before he can fall down own his knees and hurt himself.

"What happened? Hyune? Are you alright?" He was so shocked to see Hyunjin like that.. his hairs were all messy, his body was fully covered in his sweats, his palms and back of the palms has cuts and small bruises, knuckles were swollen as if he is coming back after punching the hell outta someone, and moreover, he was drunk! Hella drunk..

"What happened, Hyunjin? Talk to me!" He was getting frustrated and worried because of lack of answers. His heart aches looking at Hyunjin like this.

Hyunjin didn't say anything but his eyes called out a lot... The way he is looking at Felix with his eyes filled with love and -pain-, the way he looks at his fragile husband with so much fond, a year dropped down his eye.. Felix immediately wipe it and softly asked "Hyune, please.. s-say something" his voice cracked. The way Hyunjin's lips quivered to not let out a painful sob.. Felix felt his heart was being harshly taken out and someone stabbed on it.

Hyunjin didn't answer.. he just freed himself from his hold and went towards their room without letting out any word but stumbling too much. Felix look at him dumbfounded.. he doesn't know what just happen. He went after Hyunjin and holds him one more time just because he wouldn't stumble again and fall.. Hyunjin looks at him thinking if that's the same Felix he just learned about.

Even though he is hella drunk, he is trying not to say anything.. coz if he speak out he'll loose his shits and that could hurt both of them. Being a perfect Husband, he let Felix leads him towards their room and didn't lash out on his love.

If things can solve humbly.. he is willing to do that.. without hurting his love.. but you know.. it hurts too!

Only if it can save their relationship..
The beautiful bond between them..

Once they went towards the door, Hyunjin again freed himself from Lix's hold and that doesn't help Felix and Hyunjin's action and reaction made him believe that Hyunjin got to know about it.. He is scared.. yet ready.. to face what will happen or not? Who knows.

"Here, towel" he spread his hand towards Hyunjin to give him towel as Hyunjin came to sink to wash his face. Hyun took it silently and Felix just stand there looking at him while Hyunjin ignore the stare as it didn't hurt him ignoring the only guy who captured his heart, who rules his heart.

Hyunjin went out of bathroom towards bed and lay down to sleep, facing the wall and not the love of his life. Felix look at him and tears dropped down his eyes.. he wipe them off and went to bed too, he also lay down facing Hyunjin's back.

He was trying hard not to burst out crying but nothing helps.. he let out a sob and immediately turn around so Hyunjin can't see him.. but Hyunjin's love for him isn't and never will be a lie.. his heart aches after hearing the painful sob.. his eyes also shed tears and tried to not look at his back but his heart doesn't agree with his mind and he turned around just to look at his back.. his breathe hitched when he look at him.

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