Chapter 5: Displaying nudity on parade floats, publicly comforting unmarried orc

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Chapter 5: Displaying nudity on parade floats, publicly comforting unmarried orcs with a whip and turning into a filly
Chapter 5: Displaying nudity on parade floats, publicly comforting unmarried orcs with a whip and turning into a filly
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The wedding is over, and the royal family has given blessings. Every generation of females born in the royal family has the obligation to represent the royal family to comfort the females who cannot marry wives and have children. Yin Zinian's generation currently only has two little princes, he and his younger brother. Let him do it for you.

At 12:00 noon, the parade floats start on time. The floats are made of platinum and decorated with various precious stones, all of which show the nobility of the royal family. The countertop is covered with fresh flowers with dewdrops, and the middle is covered by see-through tulle, and the eldest prince can be seen faintly.

Just after lunch, Yin Zinian was so sleepy that he slumped in the float and yawned. Before he left, his father gave him a fresh bamboo shoot as a comforting reward.

That's right, when he was in human form, he would eat normal human food, but once he transformed into animal form, the bamboo shoots would be an irreplaceable favorite for our giant panda baby. Yin Zinian stretched out his short hands to hold the bamboo shoots in his arms, In order to defend your food, you must not fall asleep.

The float traveled all the way out of the imperial city, and the streets were especially lively on days when the royal family was in decline. Both sides of the float were crowded with males of all ages, and there were also many females who wanted to see how cute the national treasure was.

The curtain directly in front was opened, and the fluffy and chubby eldest prince sitting on the soft couch came into everyone's sight, and there was a giant panda hugging bamboo shoots sitting slumped on the luxurious soft couch, the chubby little chubby With two black round ears on top of his face, he glanced down with panda eyes, as if he was worried that someone would come up to snatch the fresh and tender food in his hand, and hurriedly grabbed the bamboo shoots and sent them to his mouth.

Although Yin Zinian is an adult, his animal shape is not majestic, but rather a small one. Compared with other adult giant pandas, he is like a meat ball with a radius of half a meter, with a fat belly covering his body. With fluffy white long hair, the limbs are so plump that they are inseparable from the body. He circled the bamboo shoots with his little black paws, eating them sweetly with a "click, click", and the onlookers were turned into cute by the way the eldest prince was eating, especially the little females, who wanted to take him home and raise them.

Yin Zinian, who was sleepy after eating a bamboo shoot, finally regained some energy. He lazily hugged his belly and rolled around on the soft couch. The cute little dumpling disappeared in a flash of white light, and the slender beauty with jade-faced lips wore A red gauze dress appeared on the float.

Gasps came and went, everyone was not only amazed by his impeccable and exquisite appearance, but also shocked by his proud figure under the transparent gauze. This person should come from the sky, and everyone was even more convinced that the birth of such a special eldest prince was God's protection for their orc world.

The lovemaking habits that have been passed down to this day make the orcs like to nibble on the breasts of females. After giving birth, the place where the females use to breastfeed is naturally rare for countless orcs. It's just that the females in the beastman world have basically the same organ characteristics except that they are smaller than the males. Most of them have flat chests, and some of them can be called talented, but their breasts are slightly more fleshy and slightly curled up. The orcs had never seen such big breasts as Yin Zinian's. The gauze clothes supported by the white and tall breasts bulged a lot, and the upturned twin peaks made many orcs bulge just by looking at the crotch.

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