5 „We don't"

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Tom's point of view
Of course, the woman won.
Bill and the others all, basically, run to her and her friends.
„Tom! Come on!"

As I follow Bill the other cars arrive to. Three furious men get out if their cars and walk towards the woman.

„Bitch! Why would you do that? That wasn't fair!"

„Welcome to life you stupid fuck! Life isn't fair so why should races be fair? The best wins it's always been like that." the woman snaps.

„You're Lilith, right?" Bill asks excitedly. She nods. „Yo Lilith! You have a lighter?" one of her friends asks. She reaches in her bra and pulls out a metallic lighter.



„Stalking me now, are we?" she asks when she spottet me. „You know each other?" Bill asks cluelessly. „Kind-„

„No. We don't." she cuts me off. „You were amazing out there!" Bill fangirls. „Thanks."

Before I could say something, someone pushes me away. „Ay! Watch where you're going!" I snap at the person. „I'm sorry!" a girl answers. „Sam, don't be sorry." Lilith calms her down.

She walks up to me, really close, and looks me dead in the eyes. "Watch your mouth."

"Should that scare me?" I laugh.

How pathetic.

"No, it's just a warning."

She walks away and over to one of the guys that raced with her.
"Ryan! You got something?" I overhear her. "For you? Always Princess."

Bill walks up to them. "What have you got there?"
"Nothing you should take." Lilith says. "Ecstasy, you want one?"
Bill nods and gives her twenty dollars. As he walks back to me, I take it out of his hands and throw it on the ground. "Don't do that shit, Bill."

"My twenty dollars!"

I sigh and reach for my wallet. As I hand him twenty dollars I see Lilith putting one of those pills in her mouth.


Lilith's point of view
„It's still not fair! But you're kinda hot so I guess it's okay."


"Guys I think I'll leave." I say quietly and walk to the drivers door if my car. "Lil you're not driving." Sam tries to stop me but it's to late. I'm already in the car.

"Lilith!" I hear Ryan yell. "Sam don't let her drive!"
I lock my car doors and release the Handbrake while Sam is still trying to get in the car.

"Just let the woman drive, Sam!" I hear Logan now.
"You shut the fuck up, Logan!" Sam yells.

"Sam get away from my car!" I yell. She stops slamming on the car and steps back.

"Thank you."

I start to drive away. "Drive carefully!"

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