21 "Ryan happened."

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Lilith's point of view
"I'm being dead serious." I say and get up as fast as possible. "You shouldn't be walking around so much." He says following me.

"And you shouldn't tell me what to do!" I yell and walk downstairs.

"Where's Sam?" I ask Logan, who's sitting on the kitchen counter. "Garage I think."

I sigh and walk out the house and into the garage. "Sam?"

Then she come out from under her car. "What are you doing out of bed? And where's Tom?"

I sigh and walk up to her. "I don't know why... But he's so annoying right now." I whisper. "What? Is he trying to tell you what to do?"
"Yeah, actually he is."

A faint "Oh" comes from her as I hear someone walking up behind me. "Tom?" Sam asks. "What happened?" She adds.

I turn around and lock eyes with him. He has a bloody nose. My heart sank to my stomach.

"Ryan happened."

"What?" Sam asks furiously. I break the eye contact and storm back inside. "Ryan! The fuck did you do?" I yell while walking into the living room. "Nothing..."

"So he just got that bloody nose outta nowhere?" I ask him and his face drops. "You've got five seconds to explain."

But he stays silent.

"Ryan I swear to god! Talk!"

Still no answer.

He's standing in front of me now. Out of anger I ball my hands to fists. "Ryan talk!"

When I raised my fist to punch him, he poked with his finger in my shot wound.
I whine loudly and fold together. As I fall to the ground, he walks outside.

"Time to finish it." I hear him say.

I'm getting myself back up and limp after Ryan. "Lilith what happened?" Sam yells to me. She was holding a tissue to Tom's nose.

I point to Ryan, who is walking straight to them. Why is he being like this?

"Ryan stop! Seriously!" Sam yells.

I feel two sting arms support me from behind. "You okay?"

Logan! Thank god.

"Yeah, but Ryan isn't."

"I noticed." He says and walks up to Ryan.

Logan and Ryan used to be best friends. But I think by the way Ryan's been acting, that's over too.

He's just destroying his friendships with this behavior.

Logan pushes Ryan against the wall. You can hear Logan screaming at him, but I can't focus on it. My focus is on Kaulitz.

Sam is still holding a tissue to his nose.

This is all my fault.

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