55 "It's protection."

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Tom's point of view
I already smelled something from downstairs, while I was cleaning the laundry.

This feels like me and her are gonna be good for awhile.

Or at least I hope so.

When I was done with the laundry, I walked downstairs and straight into the kitchen.

The kitchen is still clean, but there are three pots on the stove and bowls on the countertop. "What are you making?"

"Something my grandma used to make me, before everything took a turn for the worse." She says with a smile.

"I don't know how it's called." She adds and turns around and faces me.

Her face is bright red. "You okay?" I ask and sit down on one of the barstools. "Just hot in here." She smiles and turns back around.

She can be so different, than what she wants to be.

So Sweet and genuine.

"You know.." I start, and immediately regret it. She turns around and looks at me with a confused face.
"You can be so different, than what you want to be."

"It's protection." She says shortly.

I stay silent and just watch her.

If she wants to talk about it, she can and will. Hopefully.

"If I'd show who I am out there, I'd get taken advantage of, I'd get stepped on and probably not be as successful as I am now." She says while she's filling two bowls with the food she cooked.

"That's... Heavy..."

"I know."

She puts one bowl in front of me and throws a spoon towards me. „What exactly is this now?" I ask.

„Rice, noodles and vegetables. My gammy used to cook it when I was feeling bad."

She puts a spoonful in her mouth and starts chewing. I do the same.

It tastes surprisingly good.

We ate in silence and after we put the dirty dishes away, we went back upstairs.

"We could do this everyday, if you just move out." I mumble as she crawls into my bed and cuddles herself next to me.
"What?" She asks.

"Nothing," I say and take a deep breath, "we still have to talk about your home situation."

She swallows and sits up, leaning against the headboard. "I can't leave Sam and Logan."

"I know, but think about yourself for a minute."

"I can't. Sam and Logan... They're just so important to me. If I move out... They're gonna.."

Whatever she's trying to say, it's not gonna come out.

I heard a silent cry.

"Oh god Tom, what if something happens to them and I'm not there?" She finally speaks and turns to me. Tears filling her eyes.

„Nothing will happen."

I gently lay my arm around her and pull her into me. Rubbing her back while she's sobbing into my shirt. „It's gonna be alright, everything will be fine sunflower."

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