29 "At my place."

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Tom's point of view
I rushed inside and put her down on the couch.
When I got the first aid kit, I got everything I need for her wound.

What I just don't get is why he would smash her head open.

I gently put her head in my lap. The open wound is on the left side.
After taking a good look at it, I noticed it's not a deep wound. But multiple small ones.

After disinfecting, I put bandages carefully around her head.

After cleaning I heard a phone ring. It's not mine. I went over to Lilith's move less body and grab her phone. Sam's calling.


"No, it's Tom."

"Oh, is she awake?"

"No, but I took care of her. She'll survive the wound..."

"I think she'll even survive the knock out drops."

"You think?"

"Yeah! It's Lilith. She survived much more insane stuff."

"I believe you on the word..."

"Alright, if she won't wake up, bring her home."

"Why? You already know what to do with her if she's dead?"

"Yes. Basically everybody in this twin wants her dead, or is fearing her. Lilith and I made a plan what to do if she dies. But Logan will have to do most part. I couldn't."

"Alright... I'll hang up now, you get home safe and stay with Logan."

"I will."

I hang up and put her phone on the coffee table. "Oh Lilith... You really need to carry more protection than a small knife.." I say softly and pick her up.

Her head falls on my shoulder. "What's going on?" She mumbles. "Nothing. You're okay."

I walk upstairs into my bedroom and put her gently in my bed. She mumbles something but I couldn't figure out what.

The only thing I could hear was something with Ryan.

How could he hurt an angel like her?

I would never hurt her like this.

I put the blanket over her and while I was doing so, she put her hand on mine.

How can she seem so mean? She's such a beautiful soul.

I don't want to pull my hand away, but I have to get changed.

"Tom?" She asks.

I look at her, her eyes are closed.


"Where am I?"

"At my place."

"Where Sam and Logan?"

"Don't worry about them. I'm sure they're safe."


I changed into matching sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"I don't think I'll survive this."

"You will." I say and crawl into the bed on the other side.

"You think so?"

"I'll make sure you will."

"I don't deserve it."


"To live."

"Of course you do."

"I made so many mistakes. I can't do it anymore."

"Everyone makes them."

"People want me dead. Dead in a ditch. They won't stop hunting me until they reached their goal."

"I'll protect you."

"You can't."

"I will."

Lemme spoil you bbg🫶

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