26 "I wish you weren't"

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Tom's point of view
"Who are you?" Gustav asks.

"That's fucking Lilith!" One of the guys yells. "Who's Lilith?"

"Lilith Lyra fucking brooks! Gang leader? Drug dealer? Fucking lead singer? I don't know choose!"

"You do realize I'm standing here?" She asks and rips her wrist out of my grip.

"I wish you weren't."

"Woah chill out. The fuck is wrong with you?" Bill now yell.
I look at him signing him to stop.


Wait- Did he say drug dealer? Gang leader?

We ended up talking all pretty normally for a good two hours.

It's way past midnight now.

And Lilith seemed to be actually enjoying it to be here.

I'm just happy she's with me, and not with Ryan. I don't want to think about what he'd do to her if she wasn't with me.

The guy, we just met, kept asking Lilith about some deals... Even though I tried to figure out what deals, I couldn't.

And it wasn't my business either.

"Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" On of the people we just met asked.

"What? Are we in seventh grade or are we actually adults?" Lilith snaps. "Chill. You have your period or why are you like this?"

I could hear her breath turn from a calmed breathing rhythm to a heavy breathing. She's mad.

I put my hand on her thigh. Getting weird looks from my band but it seemed to calm her down.

"Yeah control your bitch, Tom."

Lilith smacks my hand off of her thigh and stands up. "Where are you going?" I ask her quietly. "I'm not gonna let this five year old bitch talk to me like that!" She yells and walks off to the "bar".

"What? She can't take a joke?" He asks me.

"She can take a joke. But she can't take disrespect or shit talk." I answer him.

"Alright. But the next time you bring your bitch here, you better control her."

"First of all, she's not my bitch. Second I don't need to control her she can take care of herself."

"Right... You're her bitch. I gathered that."

I sigh and drink out of my cup.

He's so annoying. Not even annoying it's so much more than annoying.

I was watching her talking to the barkeeper and drink a few shots.

Don't get too drunk. Please.

She's laughing and giggling with the barkeeper.

Oh Lilith...


Guys... I just want to say sorry for the next chapters.


it's gonna be wild and our hate for Ryan will grow even more😍

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