64 "I think you know the answer..."

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Lilith's point of view
I woke up to birds chirping outside and in Tom's arms.

This is such a Romance Novel type of way to wake up.

"Good morning, sunflower." Tom mumbles with his morning voice. "Morning."

I turn around to face him and start laughing. His braids are everywhere but not where they are supposed to be. Carefully I swipe them out of his face.
"What's the plan for today?" He asks. I put my head down on his shoulder, with my face at his neck. "Survive."

"That's step one." He chuckles. "No, seriously.. What do we do today?"

"Nothing, I guess." I answer him and kiss his jawline. "But first... I'll shower." I say and get out of bed. "If you want you can go downstairs. Sam already made breakfast."

"How do you know?"

"It's routine." I say and grab new underwear, new clothes and walk into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, but shaved. And went straight downstairs after I put on my new fresh clothes. My hair still slightly dripping.

"Well look who's done." Sam greets me when I came into the living room with the leftovers from breakfast.
"Give the woman time, Sam." Logan laughs. Tom's sitting on the far left on the couch, Sam and Logan on the right side.
"The middle is still not clean." Sam says.

"Oh really? Not that I can't see my blood on it." I say and sit down on the floor behind the coffee table.

The only sound is the lame sitcom Logan's watching and our chewing noises, which are slowly driving me insane.

I take the plates of the other three and put them into the sink. „What's the plan for today?" Logan asks when I came back into the living room.

"I'm doing nothing today." I say and let myself fall down next to Tom, resting my head on his collarbone. "Sam?" I ask Sam. When I looked at her, laying the exact same as I do with Logan, we burst out laughing.
"I'm doing nothing either. The only thing I'll do, is move myself to the fridge and back."

"So it's like a family day." I mumble and play with Tom's ring. "Are you staying?" I ask and look up to him. "If you want me to stay." He answers. I nod and he kisses my head.

We continue to watch Logan's favorite Sitcom for hours, until Sam and Logan went upstairs.

"I didn't know, you guys actually spent quality time with each other." Tom mumbles.

I turn around in his arms and bury my face in his shirt. "It's Sam and Logan's love language."

"What's yours?"

"I think you know the answer..."

"You don't know, don't you sunflower."


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