37 "Hey- Uh- Lilith?"

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Lilith's point of view
The party is a special party... It's my birthday party.
Well, my birthday is on Halloween but who says we can't party until then?

But I didn't want to tell Tom. I don't know why.

The party is at our house, so that Sam and I can change.

„Wait, what non special party is at your house?" Tom asks me when we arrived.

„This one." I simply say and get out after Sam.
Two doors can be annoying.

My Nissan has also only two doors, but I drive alone most of the time.

„Let's change please." Sam sighs.
„Oh my god yes! This latex is gonna kill me."

„Wait! Why do you get to change?" Tom asks.

„Because they're girls." Logan sighs.

„Ay! We're women!" Sam yells and take my hand before we're running inside together.

„What are you gonna wear?"

„I don't know."

Sam goes into her room and I go in mine. I put in fishnet tights as a top and a really short cropped black top, that says moon child on and a blue checkered skirt.
For shoes I chose high top boots.

"You only wear boots is that possible?" Sam laughs standing in my doorway.

"I have to put my knife somewhere, Sammy."

She just shakes her head and walks downstairs.

I straightened my hair and put a dark smoky makeup on.

The second I put the brush down it knocked on my door.


The door opens and Tom peeks through it.

"Hey." I say and spray perfume on my chest.

He doesn't answer. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Sorry- I-"

I giggle and walk up to him. Slightly I push him out, just enough to close the door. Behind me.

"First real low life party." I whisper in his ear and start to walk downstairs.

"Hey- Uh- Lilith?"

"Yes?" I turn around and lean against the wall.

"You look beautiful."

I know.

"Thank you."

I turn around to continue walking, but hear no steps behind me.

"Come on!" I yell. Now there are footsteps behind me.

Luckily, no one except Logan and Sam knows it's my birthday in less than two hours.

When we got downstairs, there were already tons of people.

"Since when do you have so many friends?" Tom asks from behind me and rests his hands on my waist.

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"Thought so."

Guysss tonight will come a few more chapters!! <33  I think two or three more<3

Love you all🫶

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