65 "Tom! Don't!"

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Lilith's point of view
It slowly started to get dark, and us four decided to go for a night drive.

In separate cars, of course.

Logan in his Mitsubishi eclipse, Sam in her Dodge challenger and Tom and I in my Nissan skyline.

Racing down the streets of Los Angeles, with the windows down and my friends in their cars next to me. We're driving like a triangle.
Me in front and Sam and Logan on the left and right a bit behind.

"Where exactly are we going?" Tom asks, while he's looking outside. "Nowhere exactly. We just drive without a plan. See where the night leads us."

I have one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on the gear lever.

Logan drove up to my window, "Yo! Let's go to the bridge!" He yells from his car.
I nod and turn back around with the closet Chance to turn.

'The Bridge' is a small bridge over a river, big enough for four cars to park. We just sit there, talk or smoke.
But we have to be careful, the river is rough and the current is so strong, you have basically no chance to get back to the surface.

I park my car, next to me Logan and Sam. "Ready?" I ask Tom and turn off the engine. "Yeah." He says and opens the door. I do the same and we get out.

We all sit on the edge, in a row, and pass a joint. Logan had the first hit, then Sam and now I get one.

"You want too?" I ask Tom and hold the joint in front of his face. He takes it and inhales the weed.
"Damn boy, relax." I say and pass it back to Logan.

I heard a car drive up to the bridge. "Guys, is that a car?" I ask and turn around.

Dodge Charger R/T. Ryan.

Immediately, I get up and get away from the edge. "Guys, Ryan decided to join us." I say quietly and nod my head to the car.
My head slightly dizzy from the weed.

"I really hate it, that you guys replaced me." Ryan yells as he got out of his car.

"We never replaced you, Ryan!" I yell back.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and smelled Tom's cologne.

"Tom! Back here!" Sam hissed.

"Lilith... My baby... You and me, we're meant to be together! Two racers, two psychos... We could've rules this shithole!" He yells.

"You're right... Two Psychos... But you're not the only one who knows how to play this game... We all know what's gonna happen."

"Really? What's gonna happen, miss know-it-all?"

"You, you are gonna try and hurt me but if you fail, you try and hurt Tom. Always, the same. It's pathetic that you can't even-"

Ryan pulled out a gun. Not just a gun.

A fucking Ak-47.

"Where did you even hide that?" I ask and laugh.

"Lilith, I'll shoot you again if you don't step away."

I don't move. A loud bang sounds and I feel a stinging pain in my thigh. I whine. "That hurt like bitch!" I yell.

"Move!" Ryan yells. Now I do what he says.

But I regret it immediately.

"You! Hollywood! Go away from them!" He yells at Tom, and Tom walks over to the edge.

"Tom! Don't!" I yell, knowing Ryan will push him off.

Tom turns around and faces me. I was like paralyzed, frozen. My heart beating rapidly.

Ryan drops his gun and sprint towards Tom, pushing Tom off the bridge and holding himself on a piece of metal.

"No!" I cry out.

Cliffhanger I know..


I need to focus on school, since it's my graduation year, so I hope you guys understand when I'll only post one chapter a day🫶🏼

The ones I have already written are gonna be short but I'll try and do the next chapters longer. 🫶🏼🫶🏼


And don't worry Tom won't die

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