11 "You."

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Lilith's point of view
Storming outside with Sam and Logan close behind me.
"Well look who it is!"

"Leave him alone! What is your problem?"


I roll my eyes and walk up to them. Sam and Logan still close behind. They pull Tom back and I take his place Infekt of Byron.

"Lilith Lyra Brooks, you're a dirty cheater and a stupid liar."

"You really want to hurt me, don't you?"

"Yeah, that's kind of my target here." He smiles pulling out a knife.

"A knife? Come on, I know you have a gun. It would be much more efficient and more fun with a gun."

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Sam yells from behind.

He walks closer to me and has his knife now in front of my throat. „But a gun wouldn't be as much fun you know?" he says pushing the knife on my throat. Not lightly might I say.

No one says a thing. No one moves.

I can do absolutely nothing. If I try to take the knife, he could cut me. If I try to kick him, he will cut me.
I'm dead meat, if my friends won't do something.

"Oh, not such a big mouth now, haven't we?"

"In case you've forgotten, i have a knife against my throat.
With me saying that, he just pushes it further into.

All I could hear is Sam crying out my name.

A loud bang echoes through the night.

Byron drops the knife and stumbles back. "What happened?" I stutter and turn around to find Ryan standing on our porch with a gun.

I turn back around to see that Byron is now standing again. "This was your death wish Ryan!" He mumbles through the pain he's going through.
"Oh please, like you actually would do something." I say sarcastically.

Byron mumbles something and starts to walk away. "What in gods name was that?" Tom asks hysterically. "That's what happens when a high life like you comes to this side of town." Logan answers him annoyed.
I walk up to them and hand Logan the knife, Byron dropped. "Put it in the box along with the others." I say and walk past them. "Woah!" I hear something falling to the ground. "What happened?"

"There's blood on the knife, that's why Logan dropped it." Sam sighs and picks it up. As she turns to me, her face turns pale.

"Lilith-" she stutters. "What?"

"You're shot."

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