6 "Fucking Ryan!"

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Lilith's point of view
As I drive into the driveway of the hellhole of an house  that I live in. This stupid guy doesn't get of my mind.
Not in a good way though.

The ecstasy in my system isn't even kicking anymore like it did a few years ago.

I get out of the car and walk onto the porch of my small house. That I share with my friends.

Luckily I'm the only one home, so I can tidy this mess and clean a bit. Even though that it's dark outside.

While I was cleaning, I felt like I was being watched, but I ignored it.

"Should that scare me?"

Of course it should scare him. And it did. You could see it in his eyes.

His beautiful brown... What the fuck? Beautiful?

I bury my face in my hands.
What is wrong with me?

A car is approaching outside. Squeaky brake. It's Logan's car.
"Bitch!" I hear outside. Logan storms inside and throws his car keys on the kitchen counter. "Woah there. You okay?"

"It's Sam." Logan starts.

Logan and Sam are together, but also they're not. If you watch them, they're both madly in love with each other. But Sam and Logan have their own problems and can't deal with them on their own.

"She said she's mad at me."

"Why would she be mad at you, Logan?"

Logan walks over to the couch and lets himself fall into it. „I don't know!"

I sigh and sit down next to him. „Think about it, Lo." I look at him. „Sam is Sam. She gets mad for no reason. Like you do."
He slowly nods. „And when either of you is in on of those mad phases, just give each other the space you need."

„Besides, she'll come around."

Logan suddenly stands up, „she's in a car with Ryan!" he yells and walks up the stairs. „Fucking Ryan!"

In the same second as Logan disappeared upstairs the door opens again. „What's with the screaming?"

I turn around and see Ryan. „Ryan! So happy to see you."

„What happened?" he laughs. „You're never nice to me."
„Logan and Sam" I stand up and walk up to him. He rolls his eyes and sighs. „I know!" I laugh.

"By the way... Where is she?"

"Outside... Guess because of what."

I open the door and look around. "Sam!"

She's nowhere to be found.

"Damn it."

I go outside and look around to house. "Sam?" "Sam!"

„Sam dude! What are you doing?"
She's sitting on the old swing in the backyard. "Lilith!"

"Have you been crying?"

"I'm so mad at him, Lilith." "Logan?" She nods. "Sam, come on let's go upstairs."

„Logan's upstairs."

I roll my eyes, "Then come inside. I don't care, get in the house."

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