47 "This screams Beverly Hills."

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Lilith's point of view
The rest of the night was really boring.

Tom joined us when his brother left.

"I don't want to stay anymore." I say quietly to Sam, loud enough for Tom and Logan to hear. "I want to stay.." Sam says sadly. "You stay, I'll walk home."

"Absolutely not."

"No way."

Logan and Tom say.

"Chill." I say and laugh.

"I'll take you home." Tom says softly and stands up. I do the same and walk after him.

This is so weird.

"You don't have to, you know." I say while getting in his car. "I kinda do."

"Do you want to go home or stay with me?"

"I don't have a home, Tom."

"Where you live is your home, isn't it?"

He starts the engine and starts driving. "This house is not a home. But I never had one, so there's nothing I could miss."

"You never had a home?"

I shake my head and watch him drive away from the ghetto into the rich part of Los Angeles.
Beverly Hills.

"So I'm staying with you."

"If you want to."

I stay silent until we've arrived. "I still can't believe that I'm hanging out with a guy that lives in the hills."
"You better believe it."

He unlocks his front door and grants me entry first. "Do you want to shower?" He asks me, while we're walking upstairs.

"I have nothing to change." I sigh and roll my eyes. "I'll bring you something."

I swear if he brings me a random thong I'll throw up.

"Alright, yeah." I say and put my purse down on one of his drawers in his bedroom.

"Okay, I'll show you the bathroom."

He walks me to a dark room. When he turns on the lights, I actually had to pause for a moment.

"Everything alright?" He asks worried. "Yeah, I uh. Just never saw a fancy ass bathroom like this."

The entire bathroom is matte black.

Except the floor and walls. They're marble grey and silver. And a huge walk in shower.

"This screams Beverly Hills."

He chuckles and leaves. Confused I just stand there and wait.

When he came back, he had some clothes in his hand. "Here, uh if you need anything else just tell me."


He nods and leaves.

I check the clothes.

Shirt, sweatpants, socks and... boxer shorts?


Isn't this something girls wear from their boyfriends?

Why should I care.

I get undressed and start to shower.

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