14 "What are you on?"

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Lilith's point of view
It's nearly one am. Sam, Logan and Ryan are already in their cars. "Lilith! Can you to the thing with the fabric?" Koby asks me. "You don't even know what it's called?"
He hands me the piece of fabric and I walk in front of the cars.
Already all eyes on me. I look over the people in the back and the faces in the cars.
There's Tom... Making out with a girl...

I rise the fabric to waist height. The engines of the six cars roaring. Lifting it a bit higher, I could see Tom staring right at me.
Sams face turns pale. I look down at myself to see my newest scar is showing.

Lifting my arms as high as possible and the race begins.

I wait until the cars are past me and then I let my arms fall again.

Turning around to see that my friends are the first, is really pleasing. As they drive around the corner I walk back to our place. "When did you get that wound?"

I turn around to face a person I've never seen before. And a few yards  behind him... Is Tom.
"Months ago, why?" I answer him. "Oh well, how many scars do have?"

"Why do you want to know that?"

"I want to count them, one by one. Tonight." He says pulling me in by my waist. "Let go off me you son of a bitch!" I yell and push him back.
"What? You're gay or something?"

"No, but when I look at you I'm considering it."

"Cunt." He says firmly and walks away. "Thank you!" I yell after him and laugh.

Tom's point of view
I'm trying to keep my focus on the woman in front of me, but my thoughts always go back to the woman behind me.

Hearing her laugh makes me want to turn around and go talk to her. But I can't. She's the one who ignored me.

Two can play that game.

„Do you want to get out of here?" the woman in front of me asks. „No, I'm here to see the race not your boobs."

She huffs and walks away. She was annoying anyway.

Should I talk to her? No, right?

Fuck I can't.

As I'm walking up to her, she turns around. With her eyes closed.

"You okay?" I ask her while looking her up and down. "Hey stalker boy." She smiles and giggles. "What are you on?" I chuckle.

She nearly falls to the ground, but she catches her grip on my arms. During that, she dropped something. She lets go off my arms and look around. Her pupils are insanely huge.
I bow down and pick something up, which seemed to be some kinds of paper in a plastic bag.

"What is that?" I ask her twiddling the bag between my fingers.
"Is that what you took?"

She bites on her bottom lip and nods. "It's lsd."

"For fucks sake, Lilith."

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