15 "You're not going anywhere!"

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Tom's point of view
"What? It's not that bad." Lilith smiles. "For you it is."

She pouts, like a literal child. You could hear tiers squeaking. But neither of us cares to look who won.

We've locked our eyes, once again.

You can't even see the color of her eyes anymore. It's kind of scary.
"You want one too?"

I shake my head, "Someone has got to watch over you."

"It's not like you care, anyways."

I look at her confused. "Are you kidding me? You're the one who didn't call once!"

"What's up with you?! How was I supposed to call you?" She raises her voice so much so fast.

I guess Sam was right, she gets easily angry.

"I wrote down my number and gave it Ryan! So that he could give it to you!"

"You gave it to Ryan?! Of course he's not gonna give it to me!"


"Because that bitch is in love with me!" She yells. "How am I supposed to know that?"

"Dude it's obvious! Besides that fact that Sam probably told you!"

"I-" I really want to answer, but not a tone comes out of me. "I'm so sick of this!" Lilith complains and starts to walk away. I grab her arm and hold her back.
"What?!" She yells. "You're not going anywhere."

"What are you gonna do about it, Kaulitz?"
"You make me so sick!" She yells.

"I thought-"

"What did you think? That you'd ever have a chance with me? No! You ain't gonna be able to handle  me and I'm too much for you!"

She rips her arm out of my grip and walks over to the finish line.

What was she talking about?

I genuinely had hopes that I have a chance with her, but I guess not.

I walk over to my brother, who's talking to some guys. "Hey Tom! What's up?"

"I think I'm going to leave." I answer him. "Why? Because Lilith called you out?"

„No, the race is over and there's so reason to stay."

„You can go if you want to, but I'll stay."

He knows I won't leave without him. God damn it.


Lilith's point of view
I do feel bad for yelling at him. But he deserved it.
„Congratulations guys!" I smile and fall into Sams and Logans arms.

Ryan is in fifth place. No need to congratulate him.

"You in something?" Logan asks. "She took lsd, look at her pupils." Sam answers for me.

"Come on, let's get you home."

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