48 "I'm out."

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Tom's point of view
She was done showering really quick.

"That was quick." I simply say pausing the movie.
"Water is expensive."

"I have enough money, you can shower as long as you want to." I say softly and chuckle as she walks over to the drawer where she put down her purse. "I'm guessing you don't own a hairbrush?" She asks with a hopeful tone. "No, I don't."

"But I think we have to talk about something..." I start. She gives me a confused look and rubs her hair with the towel. "About what?"

"I don't think you should go home anymore."

Her face drops. "Why?"

"Because Ryan could appear at any time. I don't want you getting hurt."

"You trying to tell me what to do?" She starts to raise her voice

"I'm just saying, he knows that your only safe with me, here. So anytime you're not here he's gonna hunt you down." I slowly raised my voice too.

She closes her eyes and just takes deep breaths. I think she doesn't want to argue, me neither.

"You still can't tell me what to do..." She speaks up.

"I'm not trying to, Lilith!" I yell.

"Yelling at me won't help it! If you want to argue that's you. But I won't let you yell at me!" She yells, "No one, tells me what to do! No one!"

"I don't want to tel you what to do! I'm trying to keep you safe!"

"I'm out." She says quickly and grabs her purse. "Where are you going?"


She opens the door and walks out.


I know why Sam did arguing with her won't work.
She's so stubborn.

Lilith's point of view
I walked out. I don't know where to go. But I'm out.

No one tells me what to do, why can't he get that?

I didn't even want to argue with him...

Sometime while I was walking to my house, I got this weird pain in my chest.

It got worse and worse for a while. Then it got better but never went away.

"Sam!" I whine letting myself fall next to her on the couch. "I thought your staying with Tom?" She says worried. "I was, until he started to tell me what to do!"

"I'm sure he wasn't trying to... tell me what happened."

"Well, I came out of the shower and asked for a hairbrush,"

"That's why you have wet hair." She interrupts me.

"And then he just said that he think I shouldn't come back here because it's not safe. Because of Ryan! And then he said that it's more safe to stay with him. And nowhere else."

I put a hand on my chest, because of the pain. 

"You okay?" Sam asks. "Yeah, just since I started walking away from Tom's house I had this weird pain in my chest."

"That's because you like him and hate it that you guys argued."

"Should I go back and talk to him?"


I hate it when they argue

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