39 "Who cares."

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!!!TW: Sexual assault!!!

Lilith's point of view
Weird enough that I could not find my sister outside or inside. But also Ryan showed up.

Out of, not wanting to deal with him, I hide myself behind Logan.

I haven't seen Tom since we was making out with that girl.

Logan puts protectively an arm around my shoulder. "You're twenty-four in thirty minutes." He whispers in my ear. "Who cares."

"I'm gonna go upstairs." I say quietly and free myself from Logan's arm. He nods and I hand him my cup. "See you later early birthday girl." He smiles.

I struggle a bit while finding my way to the stairs.
Because of the hundreds of people and the amount of alcohol I had.

Immediately I went into my room and sit on the bed.

I hope no one else than Logan and Sam know my birthday is soon, I do not celebrate my birthday.

My mom died on my birthday fifteen years ago.

I open the window and grab a cigarette from my bedside table , light it and inhale the nicotine.

I was halfway done with the cigarette when my door opened.

Ryan's face appears.

"The fuck you want?" I ask him while he closes the door behind him and walks up to me.

He grabs the cigarette out of my hand and inhales a bit of it and then flips it around and turns it out on my chest.

I whine I'm pain and push his hand away. The action left a blister on my boob.

"Fuck! Why did you do that?"

Ryan pulls me off the window sill and pulls me towards the bed and pushes me onto it.

Bending himself over me.

He grabs me by the waist and pushes me onto the bed. When he started pulling my skirt down, I got a queasy feeling in my stomach. I can't think about anything anymore when he pulls my top up. "I don't want that." I whisper because I'm not able to speak louder.

I was never more scared in my entire like in this moment.

When he didn't stop and just pushed my thong aside to penetrate me, I tried to push him away from me, whereby I failed miserably.

"Please, I don't want to!" I said much louder. He ignores my request and penetrates me roughly. And tears began to flow down my cheeks.

When he doesn't stop after repeated several times, I started screaming and tried to defend myself. "You want it too, you stupid bitch."

I didn't have a chance against him anyway. So I let it go over myself. And just wait until it's over.

I close my eyes and wait. Wait until he's done, until someone comes in.

The door busts open. "Get off of her!" Someone yells.

I'm too tired to open my eyes again.

Ryan is still inside of me while he's arguing with the person that just came into my room. His hands are still on my chest.

I could feel him pulling out and heard a loud thud.

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