77 "Marry?"

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Lilith's point of view
While we were eating, I did think about it. Going on a real date... Would be nice, wouldn't it?
Even though, I shouldn't go outside right now. And I don't want to bring Tom in danger. If something happens to him, something bad, I'd never forgive myself. Ever.

"Hey Sunflower?" Tom speaks up. "Yes?" "Do you ever want to marry?"
That question caught me off guard, my eyes widen and I just stare at him. "Marry? Tom please.. I can't even afford a dress." "I could pay everything.." "I don't think, I could give up my maiden name.. Even though that name has so much dirt on it. It's what protected me all my life.. It sounds stupid, I know."
"Nothing you said sounds stupid.." "Oh, good.."

I put our plates in the sink and clean up while Tom goes upstairs already. When I felt watched, I turned around and looked out the window behind me. The eerie feeling doesn't leave me when I saw nothing. I feel anxious. "Tom?" I call out and walk upstairs. "Yes?"
"Did you lock the door?" "No, why?"

"I'll go lock it." I say and sprint downstairs to the front door and lock it. When I looked out, I felt my heart stop beating. He found out. He found me. He found Tom.

I back off from the door and turn off the lights quickly. Quietly walking back upstairs. "Tom..?" I ask with a shaking voice. "What's wrong, Princess?" "He found us.." "Who?"
I quickly turn off all the lights on the second floor too and lock Tom's bedroom door. "Who? Lilith talk to me."

"The one I was hiding here from. The guy who tries to kill me every day."
"Byron..." Tom says before I could. "You're safe here, love. You're safe with me." He says and pulls me into his embrace. "What if I forgot to lock a door? And he gets in?" "That won't happen.. I promise."
"Can you.. Can you go check?" I ask, feeling uneasy. Tom nods and walks towards the door. I wait until he's back, sitting on the bed.

When he came back, I felt relieved when I saw him smiling. "Nothings there. But are you sure you're okay? I've never seen you that uneasy before.." he says and closes the door. "Yeah.. I'm.. I'm okay."
Tom nods and sits down on the bed behind me, leaning against the headboard. "Come here.." he says softly, patting next to him. I smile and sit down beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Are you sure everything is locked?" I ask once again. "Yes sunflower. I locked everything, you're safe with me." He says and kisses my forehead. "Go to sleep my love." He says as he wraps his arms around me and pulls the blanket over us.

So.. I decided to don't quit and finish this like a good person🫶🏼
I knew you'd hate me if I didn't so🤝

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