8 „Kaulitz?"

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Tom's point of view
They all walk on stage. Lilith is the last one to appear. "Hey guys." She smiles putting the microphone into the stand.
"Who's ready?" One of the boys yells into the microphone and the crowd cheers.

"Besides, they actually are pretty good."

They start playing their instruments. "You know... One time I overdosed, but that was just because-" she talks.

"Somebody mixed my medicine." She sings.
The people cheer. I guess they like the song.

As she sings I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
She performs so different than any other singers. It seems like she's living for this moment, her performance is so full of passion.
While singing she's moving so elegantly. The rhythm and her are one. Bounded by passion.

„And? How do you like it?" Bill asks as the song ends. "It's alright."
It's beautiful. Not alright.

"I was never made for love." She sings the next song.

During the concert break, I get up from my seat and walk outside.
I need a cigarette right now.

Lilith's point of view
"Ryan! Hurry up!" I complain, because Ryan is taking so long rolling some cigarettes.
After he's done, he hands me two. "Thanks!" I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "I'll go outside." "Hurry."

I roll my eyes and walk outside. The day is turning slowly into the night. It's getting colder and colder by the minute.

Outside, I lean against the wall of the building and pull out my lighter out of my bra.

Just as I lit the cigarette, I noticed a guy a few yards away from me. „Fuck!"

"You okay?" I ask him. "Yeah, kind of." He answers.

Wait... I know that accent from somewhere.

"Kaulitz?" "Yeah?" "Oh it's really you."

„So what's up?" I ask him while I walk a bit towards him. „I think I've lost my cigarettes."

I look down at the freshly rolled cigarette in my hand and look back up at him.
He looks back at me. Making eye contact. I hand him the other cigarette and he accepts it with a smile. "Do you need a lighter?"
He nods and I hand him the lighter I keep in my bra.

"How comes your here? I thought Someone like you wouldn't attend an enemy's concert."

"Enemy?" He laughs. "Yeah. I mean we took two of the awards only your and my band were nominated in."
"That makes sense." "Of course it does."

My phone rings, it's a message from Ryan.

*Breaks over, come back!*

"I have to go now," I let the bud fall to the ground and step on it, "I guess I'll see you sometime, stalker." I smile and walk back inside. Feeling him watching me as I do so.

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