13 „Would you let me?"

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Lilith's point of view
After Tom left, Sam helped me upstairs in my room. She brought me food after she cooked.

"You're acting like a mom, Sam." I smile. "I can take care of myself." I add.

"I know, Lil. But I feel so bad. I was just standing there watching him harass you."

"He didn't harass me. Even if he did, it's not your fault that I couldn't handle myself in a situation like that."

Sam shakes her head smiling and leaves my room. I know damn well, Sam isn't going to let me do anything myself for the next weeks. Until this thing is healed.

The days that passed turned into weeks, which turned into months.

The shot wound healed pretty well. This is the first time since moths, that I'm going outside.
"Lilith are sure you're gonna be okay?"

"Yes Sam. I'll be fine." I smile. "It's been months since. The wound is healed." Logan adds. "Exactly."

"I'm not gonna race though. Sam you're gonna have to race for me." I say as I'm getting in Sams car. "What? You're not going to race?" "Would you let me?"
Sam laughs and starts her car. I roll down the window on the passenger's side.

It's nearly midnight and the sun is starting to set. It's clearly summer, and I hate it.

The engine roars and Sam starts to drive. She's probably the only one that drives a little bit carefully.

"I wonder if Tom is gonna be there." I mumble to myself. "What did you say?"
"Huh? Nothing."

Sam giggles, I guess she did hear what I said.
The whole time I've been inside, my mind wouldn't stop wandering to him.

When we arrived, immediately people were surrounding Sams car and asking if I'll race and how I've been.

"Guys Sam is gonna race alright. I'm good. But if you wouldn't mind please fuck off."

The people leave and go to their places. "We have time until one am, so let's just go with the boys. I'm already sick of this." I say to Sam and she nods.

As we walk over to Logan and Ryan, I noticed that the guy Tom was with when we met here the first time is here.

Does that mean Tom is also here?

I don't get why I'm getting so excited. I'm not made for love, that's proven. Why even bother to try?

Someone ripped me out of my thoughts.

"Lilith! Good to see you here again."

Confused I look up and see Koby. "Hey Koby." I say annoyed.
I never liked him. He's so annoying.

He seemed to notice and leaves me alone. "You okay?" Logan asks. I nod, „Just sad I that I can't race."

Logan laughs and lightly slaps the back of my head. „Sam is gonna rock it."

„Of course she will."

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