66 "He's gone."

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Lilith's point of view
I jumped after him.

Logan tried to hold me back, but I pushed him away.

The water felt like hell when my body met the water. It's ice cold.

I dive in the water and look around as good as possible. It's dark and I can't see a thing.

Luckily Tom's wearing a bright colored shirt. And I can barley see him.

I swim over to his non moving body and grab him with one arm. Slowly I try to swim to the water surface.

My smoker lung is really not helping.

When I reached the surface I take deep breaths and hold his head above the water, struggling to keep myself up.

"Lilith! I'll help you!"

I swim to the shore and push Tom's body towards Logan, who's already holding his arms out to grab him.

"Sam! First aid please!" Logan yells.


I get out of the water and want to look after Tom, but Logan is holding me back. "Take my hoodie Lilith." He says and pulls off his hoodie.
Still holding me back.

Sam bends over Tom's body and checks if he's breathing. "He's not breathing!"

"No!" I yell and rip myself out of Logan's grip. I run towards Sam and Tom, while Sam is making me space.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks.

"Reviving." I say simply and tore his shirt apart. In my years of fights, car crashes and gun fights I've got so much experience with first aid.

I put my hands on his thorax and start performing cardiac massage. Pressing both of my hands with straight arms and all my strength two inches deep.
Thirty times.
Then I cover his nose with my fingers and blow air into his mouth. Two times.

Repeating it again and again and again.

"Lilith," Sam says sadly, "you can stop now, it's been ten minutes... He's gone."

"No!" I sob, "I can't loose him! I can't!"

"Please, Lilith just stop!"

"No! He's the reason I'm happy! If he's dead I'll die."

Suddenly, when I was mouth to mouth resuscitation I felt something move. I stopped and he started coughing up water. I pull him by his right arm and leg towards me into stable lateral position.

He coughed up so much water, there was a small puddle next to me. He took one deep breath and let his head fall back on the grass.

"How did you to that? I was so sure he was dead!" Sam says in disbelief.

I ignored her and pulled him into my arms. His head resting on my chest. "I thought this is the day I die." He says out of breath. "Not under my watch. I'll protect you until I die."

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