38 "That's impossible..."

613 31 18

Lilith's point of view
A few people greeted me while I was walking to the kitchen with Tom, who's hand I was holding the entire walk.

If I didn't I'd lost him five minutes ago.

I lean up to his ear, because he wouldn't understand me if I didn't. "You want a drink?" I ask him. He nods and I grab two red solo cups. "Do you trust me?" I ask him jokingly. "Yes." He chuckles and watches me making him a random drink.

I hand him the cup and he smells it. He leans down to me next to my ear. „What on Earth is that?"

„Hunter coke."


„Jägermeister and cola."

„I love the way you pronounced that."

I forgot he's German.

He clicks my cup and drinks a few sips.

„You look good in white." I whisper into his ear and drink from my cup.

He chokes on his drink and looks at me. I grin at his reaction.

"I love the power I have over you." I mumble to myself and smirk.

I turn around to put the liquor and cola back in place.

When I turned around I noticed a girl. Not even a woman, a literal girl flirting with Tom.

I Ball my hands into fists at the sight of him flirting back.

She doesn't look older than eighteen.

I grab my cup and walk past them, pushing her with my shoulder into him. She spilled her drink onto him.
I wish I could see his face right now.

Someone tapped on my shoulder while I was walking outside. I turn around to see Sam.

"Sam! Hey!" I smile and hug her. "You look nice." I add.
"Thank you Lilith! You look amazing too."

"Hey I don't want to ruin your mood.." Sam starts.

"Don't worry, it's already ruined."

"What? What's happened?"

"Not important. What were you gonna say?"

"I think I saw your sister..."

"That's impossible.."

"I thought so too.. There was an envelope on your windshield when Logan changed your tire." She says and hands me a letter she carried under her skirt.

I'll visit you on your birthday, bitch

"You kept that from me?! Sam you're supposed to stick to me!"

"I know I felt super bad about it!"

I sigh and throw the letter on the ground.

"I'm sick of people showing up at my house!" I yell and walk back inside.

Tom was still standing with the girl, making out.

This is why I don't do love.

You only get hurt.

Normally I wouldn't have cared about it, but it somehow hurt me.

I walked through the entire house. No sister in sight.

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