34 "No way."

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Tom's point of view
After I got ready, I got in my car and drove to the moonlight lounge.

When I arrived there, I immediately spotted Lilith.

She's wearing a dark red dress. I think it's latex? Or leather?

It's a shiny material that's all I know.

And she's also eating knee high heels.

"Logan! Get my guitar please!" She yells.

Guitar? She never told me she plays. That's so cool.

Her and Sam are talking when I walk up to them. "Hey." I say softly and look Lilith in her eyes. "Hi." She says and smiles.

"Hey Tom." Sam smiles and bites her lip. She walks away before anyone could say anything.

"What- What was that all about?" I ask jokingly and point there, where Sam was standing a second ago.
"Man, I don't know."

"You look nice." I smile and look her up and down. "Yeah? Thank you."

That didn't sound convincing.

"I'm serious."

She nods and walks over to some people. "You gonna come or?" She asks turning her head around to me.
I follow her and walk closely behind her.

"Lilith! Good to see you."

"Mh-hm." She says sharply and walks past the guy. As she walks through the door, I felt a hand on my chest.

"Pass?" A deep voice asks. "He belongs to me, it's fine." She says when she noticed the security holds me back.

"Him?" The security guy asks with a disgusted tone. Rude.

"Yes, him. Let him trough."

The hand leaves my chest and I walk through the door. Lilith taking my hand.

"He belongs to me." I mock her and walk after her. "Shut up. You can go back outside if you want."

"I'm good, actually."

"I thought so."

She lets go of my hand when we got into backstage.

People were whispering the second we got through the doors. "Hey guys!" Sam waves us over to her and Logan.

"Where's my baby?" Lilith asks Logan and he points to his left.

Lilith walks over to a guitar, that's resting in it's designed stand.

"No way." I mumble and follow her. "That's yours?" I ask her in disbelief. "Yes? What's wrong with it." She asks while having the guitar around her.

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing. But a Gibson is so expensive."

"I stole it. What do you think?" She laughs. "Of course you did."

"Wait, don't you have to go get mic'ed up?" I ask her. She turns around and pulls her long black hair aside to show the cables that connect to the in ear headphone that's already in her ear.

"Oh, okay." I chuckle and turn her around by her waist.

"Good luck. I know you won't need it."

"You're right, I won't." She says.

Our faces inches apart.

"Just kiss already, my god." Sam yells.

Lilith turns away and flips Sam her middle finger. "Well I gotta go." Lilith says and frees herself out of my grip.

"See you later." She says and walks away with Sam and Logan.

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