71 "I think I'm done."

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Lilith's point of view
Time passes and Tom and I just hung out like normal people. It actually felt nice having someone that listens to you..

I have found the person I want to spent the rest of my time with. And I said time because I don't know if I'll make it to twenty-five.

We were cuddled together on the couch watching movies and talking. It was so nice.
"I can't believe they would let him die." I sigh as we were putting away the empty popcorn bowls. "I didn't like him." He chuckles and hands me the empty glasses. "Of course you didn't." I giggle.

In that moment, Sam and Logan walked into the kitchen. "Hey Tom." Sam greets him. "Hey Sam."
Logan and Tom make a handshake, or more like a high five.. It wasn't a high five more a low five..
Anyway, it seems like they get along. And that makes me even more happy.

"Lilith, we need to tell you something." Logan starts after a small talk with Tom. "Sure, Lo, what's up?"
"We ran into Byron.. And he said we should tell you to be careful what you think, wish and do." Logan explains. "What Logan's trying to say, he's ready to kill you.." Sam adds.
"Well to kill me, he needs to know where I am.." I say and turn to Tom. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asks. "Yeah.."
"Can y'all please explain.." Sam begs. "I'll stay with Tom for awhile.." "That's fine, it's probably better."
I nod and start walking upstairs. Tom close behind me. "Can I help you with anything?" He asks while I get my bag. "No, it's fine."

I walk over to my drawers and get some clothes, not much but I think I'll wear Tom's clothes anyway. "That's enough?" Tom asks when I walk into the bathroom to get my hygiene products. "Yeah." I mumble and grab everything I need. Throwing it into the bag too. "Alright.. I think I'm done." "Already? You're the first woman I met that packed in five minutes."
"Yeah, well, I'm fast."

Tom takes my hand in his and we walk downstairs. "Y'all look like a high school couple." Sam laughs. "Be happy for her." Logan says and slightly pushes Sam.
"You guys gonna be fine?" I ask and look at Logan, who nods, then I look at Sam, she also nods. I let go of Tom's hand and hug Logan. "Be careful, Lilith." He sighs.
I let go of him and hug Sam. "I swear if you die in Beverly Hills I'll make fun of you for eternity when I'm dead." She says.

"Bye guys!" I yell from outside the door and walk with Tom to his car...

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