49 "Everything!"

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Lilith's point of view
I know he leaves his door open, so when I went back to his house, I just walked in.

I could hear noises from his bedroom, so that's where I went.
When I opened the door he turns on his office chair and looks at me, standing helpless in the doorway.

"You're back?" He asks confused.

"I- Yeah.. I'm sorry..." I say and sit on his bed.



I let myself fall backwards, landing on his soft blanket. He stands up and sit down behind me, at the head of the bed. "Come here." He says softly and hold his arms open.

Slowly I crawl into his embrace, resting the back of my head on his collarbone. He wraps his arms around me.
"It's just... I never had this kind of relationship to any other person before. It's new to me. Everything... I'm not used to this..." I start to explain. "And I've done so many bad things in my life, if you knew the half of it... you'd probably throw me out on the minute. And when I left earlier, I had this weird pain in my chest. But it stopped when I walked back here."

"Tell me every bad thing you've done, sunflower. I'm certain it won't change my mind about you."

"What?" I turn my head to look at him. "You heard me, go on."

I look straight forward again and stay silent. "I'll wait.." he adds.

"I've done and dealed drugs... I don't mean weed or something I'm talking mind altering shit. I got in so many fights. Fist fights, gun fights, knife fights... I'm racing illegally.. I've killed, not only once. But mostly out of self defense. Domestic violence, I've assaulted cops, copied movies, the list goes on."

I can't believe I just told him. It's not even half of everything.

Tom stays silent. "I told you." I sigh. "If you want me to leave just say it." I add and try to get out of his grip.

"Do you regret it?" He asks me, not letting me go. "Most of it."

"I told you it wouldn't change my mind about you."

"What?" I turn my head to look at him. "I saw the real you. Nothing can change my mind about you that quickly." He says with a deep, really attractive, voice.

"I have to tell you something, sunflower..."

He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to continue talking. But he was interrupted by a phone call.

He lets go off me and I grab my phone. "Yes?"

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