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Lilith's point of view
Tom drove me to the bridge. In silence and I hate it. I think he's mad. That's what makes me insane. "Tom?" "Yes, sunflower?" "You're not mad at me, right?" "No.. Why should I be mad at you?" "You're never this silent.. I just.. Never mind."

We arrived and Sam and Logan were there already. "Is he here yet?" I ask as we walk towards them. "No, he should be soon though." Logan answers.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Lilith?" Sam asks concerned.
"It wouldn't be the first guy I kill.." I say and load the gun Logan gave me. A Glock 17.

I look over at Tom and see him starring at the ground. "Hey.. You okay?" I ask him and took his hand in mine. "Yeah.. I'm just worried.." "About?" "What if your plan goes wrong and one of us dies, instead of him." "I promise, I'll protect you until I die."
I lean in to kiss him when we heard a car approach. Not caring to look, I kiss Tom.

"Hello little Lilith." Byron says, "Hiding a gun under your skirt? Like old times huh."
I glare at him and stand in front of Tom.
"Now you don't act so protective. I was ordered here." He says.
"For what exactly?"
"Logan said you want to sort out things from our past."
"Right.. Yeah."
"Start." He says.

"Well..." I say embarrassed, I don't need Tom to hear this, "I'm sorry for not calling or texting you back after.."
"After we hooked up more than ten times..?" Byron finishes the sentence.

"You realize, the only reason why I hate you and try to kill you is because you fucked up my reputation! Ever since you ghosted me, you became the damn boss of this shithole! And you don't even do something!"

He was so busy throwing words at me, so I pulled the gun out of my skirt and point it at him. He shut up after a good minute, when he noticed the gun.
"Do you seriously think I'd come unarmed?" I ask him. A sinister smile forming on my face. Byron stepped forward, coming closer. When he stepped into the light from the streetlights I saw the tears in his eyes.

In moments like these I wish Tom didn't change me. I was ruthless before him, no real emotion. Now.. I'm full of emotion, not ruthless. Genuinely happy.

"Fuck it," I mumble under my breath wiggling my finger on the trigger.
Suddenly, Byron kicked the gun out of my hand before I could react. Logan held Tom and Sam back. Byron grabbed the gun. But instead of pointing it at me...

He points the gun at Tom.


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