60 "Calm down, babygirl."

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Lilith's point of view
"Alright, get in your places!" Koby yells and I get in my car. Rolling down the windows.

"Lilith please rethink your decisions!"

I need to win this. Not for me, not for my reputation, no.. For my family.. and for Tom.

At the start line, I grip the steering week tightly until my knuckles turn white. Never, in any situation, I've been more stressed than now.

A woman walks in front of the cars and gives us the signal to start the race.

I take a deep breath, release the handbrake and put all my weight on the gas. While I was already far away from the start line, Byron's car was still standing there. Making me nervous.

He's playing with me.

But I won't let him.

I could see the purple light on the track in front of me. Logan..

Calm down, Lilith. Logan's words appeared in my head.

I believe in you. Sam... She always said that when we were younger.

I could already see the finish line. A wave of relief flows over my tense body.

That left quicker that I wanted it to be.

When I noticed a car racing towards me. Nissan GT-R R35. Byron.

I have one minute for a reaction.

If I don't go of the track, I'll crash. If I do, there's a possibility that I'll crash too.

I can't pull the same thing, I do every time. Lay my car across the track. Byron would use that, to kill me.

Technically I could drive past him. It could work. He wouldn't think I'll stay on track.

His car was nearly in front of me. I turn the steering wheel fast as I can and drive past him.
My heart is beating so hard, you could hear it from the passenger's seat.

Slowly I drive over the finish line and park my car far away from it.

Calm down, Lilith. Calm down.

I get out of the car and lock it. Putting my latex dress in place.

"I can't believe she's done that in heels!"

Byron's car drove over the finish line and he stormed up to me. "How did you do that? I was so sure you'll go off the track!" He yells and tries to grab me. I take a step back.

"Never, and I mean never, underestimate a woman."

He lets his hands sink to his body.
"Now, where are they? All, of, them." I ask him.

"Woah. You got the devil in your eyes! Calm down, babygirl."

"I won't calm the fuck down! Where are they?"

He points with his chin behind us.

Sam and Logan.. Where's Tom?

"Where is he?" I turn back around to face Byron. "You did he's not important to you.."

"He's a high life! Everyone knows no high lifer's get involved!"

"Lilith!" Sam yells. I turn around and see her pointing towards a tree.

Tom's leaning against the tree, holding his hands on his stomach.

"No!" I yell and run towards him.

Gals... I fell deeply back into my obsession with Sweet Pea from Riverdale HELP

I'm so gonna write a fan fiction about him

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