69 "You really waited.."

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Lilith's point of view
I got back into my room and there he was. Waiting.
He really waited.
"You feel better?" He asks. I nod and brush my hair. "You really waited.." I mumble. "Of course I waited."
I smile at him and he smiles back.

"I don't want to rush you, sunflower.. But, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, but if you want to ask what we are, don't ask. Because I don't know."

He chuckles, "Alright.."

"Wait- did you actually wanted to ask that?" I ask him in confusion. Tom nods, "Oh..." I mumble. "It's fine, sunflower."

I turn off the lights and crawl into my bed. "You want to keep standing there?" I ask him jokingly. "Yeah..No, I-"
"Tom.. Sort you words and then talk" I giggle. He just shakes his head and lays down next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Tom...?" "Yes?" "I have a feeling something bad is coming... Like bad bad. And I can't do anything to stop it..." "What do you mean?" "Yesterday.. I said some things that might've triggered Byron, the guy who's people stabbed you, and I don't know..." "we'll be fine."
"There's a we?" "Y-Yeah." "Okay"

The next days went on peacefully, even though I couldn't relax because of the thought that Byron could raid our house any minute.

Tom went back to his house, but he hung out with us still.
Is this what a 'normal' life is like? You hang out with your friends and everything is peaceful until someone fucks it up?

I'm still trembling at the thought, what if Byron will actually kill me? I'm not scared of death but I don't want my friends nor Tom to witness that.

"Do you think, he'll do it if he gets the chance?" Logan asks while we're eating. "I hope he tries." I mumble. "Lilith!" Sam says. "What? It's not like he's been acting like he'll do it but never did anything!"
"You're crazy, woman." Logan laughs. "Im just saying, all he says are empty words. No act behind it, you know?"
Sam and Logan nod, I guess they did get it.
"I just- - What if he really kills you?" Sam asks. "Then so be it, im not scared of death."
"You're not crazy, your bat shit insane!" Logan corrects himself. "I know."

We all laugh and continue to eat in silence. After we all finished, I put the plates in the sink and go back upstairs.
"Lilith! Logan and I are going out, you want to come too?" "No thanks!"

"I'm not a child" I mumble.

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