80"I don't want to, sunflower."

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Tom's point of view
This is it.

This is the day I die. My final day.

I close my eyes and wait. Wait for the guy to shoot.

Five loud shots sound through the night. But I don't feel anything. Slowly and scared for life I open my eyes.

There's someone standing in front of me. That someone struggles breathing and falls down to the ground. On their back.

"No." I start to tear up.

When I saw the persons face, I immediately start to cry. "No, no, no." I sob and sit down next to her.

It's Lilith.

She was the one who saved me from every of the five shots.

She saved me. Once again.

"Why did you do that?" I cry and kneel down next to her.

"I told you, I'll protect you until I die, Tom."

She has already struggle talking and keeping her eyes open.

"I'm gonna take you to a hospital. You're not gonna survive without a doctor." I cry.

"Don't bother, darling." She says weakly.


"I'm a goner. My time is done."

"Don't say that."

"It's true."

She takes my face in her hands. "Don't cry, Tom."

"It's easy for you to say that."

"You're gonna have a beautiful wife, and beautiful children. And you're gonna be so happy. I know it. One day you're gonna find a loving person that you'll love truly and wanna spend the rest of your life with."

"I wanted that to be you." I sob and pull out the ring, I wanted to give to her.

When I proposed to her.

"What?" She asks.

I put on the ring on her left ring finger and hold her hand softly. "I was going to give this to you anyway." I say softly and smiles at her hand.

"I love you, Tom. So, so much. But you have to move on."

"I don't want to, sunflower. I don't want to."

"I know."

Her voice get more and more weak with every word she speaks.

"I'll be always with you. In your heart. And I'll be looking up to you, every day."

"Looking up?"

"From hell." She lets out a small giggle.

"How can you be so calm?"

"You. You've always calmed me down. That's why I never needed cigarettes when you've been around."

"I never knew that."

"Now you do." She slowly closes her eyes, "Now you do." She repeats herself. Her head leans back on the concrete.

"No!" I scream. "No!"

"Lilith! Wake up!"

I take her lifeless body into my arms and hold her. "You can't leave! I need you..."


I'm sobbing so much I have struggle breathing myself.

I feel two soft hands on my shoulders.

Sam is kneeling down beside me.

She's also a total mess.

I gently put Lilith back down on the concrete and take Sam into my arms.

She's sobbing into my shirt. Logan walks over to us and sits down beside Sam.

And that's how we've been sitting until the sun came up.

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